OnLineKilla's forum posts
Both are great racing games, but damn I didn't think PGR4 was that much of an arcade style racer, I consider it a racing sim, although probably not as realistic as forza. I consider Ridge Racer or Need for Speed to be arcade racers. But anyways I liked PGR4 a lil bit better.
Dudy80 I like that quote in ur signature. That's my favorite rpg game of all time
Orange Box wins for single player, Halo3 wins for multi-player. But overall, I'd say Orange Box is definately better.
Half-Life2 is personally my favorite singleplayer FPS. The story is just amazing, the graphics were amazing (especially at the time it first came out on PC) and the A.I. is one of the best I've seen in a game. I havent gotten around to Episode 1 & 2 yet, butPortal is an amazing game that i didn't expect to draw me in as much as it did.
But Halo3 is great for multiplaerbecause u can co-op 4 pplz and they gotta really solidsetup for matchmaking.
At the time of my writing this post, I just made my gamercard on and it seems to be working. I was using a different site, can't remember which one,but it stopped working on there so i switched to
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