Since you bought an 8800 GT, your best bet would be an SLI capable motherboard for future upgradability, if running SLI is not a big deal for you, then a motherboard with a P35 chipset would be agood place to start, like the abit IP35 PRO, a really great board (use it myself), and the best thing it allows on the fly overclocking, your CPU, I have seen clocked to over 3 Ghz, so you still got some life life left in that. But if your a hard core gamer, you want the SLI board.
you may want a board that is going to support the new 45nm architecture that is coming out in the next year (CPU)
Other than that a motherboard that supports up to a 1333 Mhz frontside bus, built in SATAII, and legacy IDE (sadly, the IP35 Pro only has one IDE controller, but 6 inside SATAII, and 2 external eSataII, sux for all the old HDD's I have laying around, lol), should support at least 8GB of DDR2 RAM or DDR3 RAM at 1066Mhz or higher.
You can get some more info here:
among others
PS unless that Soundblaster card is a high end one, you wont need it on a lot of newer boards, most support 7.1 HD audio now.
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