I'm so glad I'm going full time PC gaming. This console is sounding worse and worse by the minute. Definitely telling my friends who are considering an Xbox One to just at least get a PS4 instead. Anything but this console.
And just to think, Saint's Row actually used to be a legit series with an awesome cast of characters, then Adult Swim hopped on board...
I don't care what anyone says about SR3, I hated it. After I played that, I promised myself I'd never touch the series again until they returned to their roots.
@Ayato_Kamina_1 @Liquid-San I'm sorry but there is a reason why so many people admire Breaking Bad, it is a GREAT example of storytelling. Every episode is tense and methodical with grip. So just because she says an example about one of the most intense moments in that show, it "speaks volumes about her experience"? Shit, I want that intensity in games.
Best example I can think of is Red Dead Redemption, give me one gamer who was happy with the initial outcome of the ending and I'll show you a liar. I haven't had that much attachment with the main character with a lot of games. BioShock Infinite could probably be put up there with it as well. I have to say I agree with her. Wish I could get that attached feeling I got with those games in most games that are coming out.
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