"Havok 4.0 on a PS3 Cell ran comparable to a triple-core PC. Now, if Havok's PR is to be believed, multiply that by 5 to 10."
if true, kinda puts quad cores to shame
Well first of all, Havok 4.5 is supposed to improve performance on all multicore architectures, not just Cell so the difference wouldn't be 5-10 times which is no doubt a huge exageration in the first place. Second we have no idea what "triple-core" CPU they were using since no such CPU exists. They may have merely been extrapolating performance from a dual core P4 ruuning at slow speeds.
My second point is that even if Cells architecture does lend itself particularly well to physics, that doesn't mean its well suitaed to other CPU tasks. certainly it gets creamed by even one core of the Quad for anything that relies on more general purpose performance. So AI, scripting and overall game control will suffer in comparison.
And my final point is that there are other devices in a PC which can handle physics to an even greater extend than a quad core CPU. Namely the PPU and a DX10 GPU.
Anyway, until I see some real world examples of Cell vs Core2 Quad in Havok 4.5 then im taking this with a pinch of salt.
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