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#1 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts

Don't get me wrong, I like my 360, but I've noticed that playing my 360 stresses me out a lot.

Of course, first and foremost, whenever I play my machine I keep wondering if maybe it's gonna RROD. After hearing horror stories from everybody I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is not condusive to a fun playing atmosphere, always wondering if your hardware's gonna fail. I hate having to stress over it, and every time the machine hiccups (which fortunately isn't often) I get a heart attack. It would morph from a $450 gaming rig into a $450 brick.

I guess the other part of my stress comes from the kind of games I play: namely Halo 3 and Gears of War. Online play is stressful as hell; I was so pleased with Call of Duty 4 because there's no stress in that kind of gameplay. Not like in Halo 3, where every one of my mates are screaming at me and I'm trying to pick up a better weapon than a damn assault rifle and everybody is trash talking (although that happens in CoD4 too). It's just such a stress-fest. I can't play online for more than three hours or I'd go insane.

Doesn't anybody else feel that the 360 is a bit of a stressful machine to own? If it weren't for the awesome game library I definately wouldn't want to deal with it. Maybe I should get a Wii. I hear those are pretty relaxing ;) If you can call strenuous upper-body exercise "relaxing" :).

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#2 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts
Guys guys, we all know that Mass Effect WILL go to the PC. Remember Jade Empire? That was supposed to be an Xbox exclusive. Yeah right. Came out on PC not two years later. Don't worry, if you wait long enough they WILL bring Mass Effect to the PC. Eventually. And watch: it's gonna come in a special "Limited PC Edition" with 3 extra missions, extra guns, and maybe even a few new character classes. And a few more systems. Just watch, it'll happen. Of course by then, Mass Effect 325235: Galactic l33tcake will have been released. 'Cause Bioware was purchased by EA Games and we all know what EA does with its games.
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#3 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts
Both Uncharted and CoD4 are way better than those two. That said I've played Kane and Lynch and also Timeshift. I didn't like either but at least Timeshift has an interesting time element. If you like coop play a-la Army of Two, then Kane and Lynch might be your cup of tea. If you like more, umm, FPS-y type games, go for Timeshift. Just don't expect either to have the storyline of Uncharted or the awesome multiplayer of CoD4.
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#4 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts
I know this is gonna sound really noobish, but how do I check what kind of motherboard I have without taking my computer apart? Is there any way to do it through software? I tried Everest ... it says "unknown" for my motherboard name and chipset :(. It's supposed to be just some basic Intel mobo, I thought Everest would recognize it ... umm ... is there any other way to find out? Does Vista have any internal progams that'll tell me?
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#5 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts

Depends. Do you want more games? I mean if there are only 2 games you want right now than just go for buying the Slim. The Slim's OK (I have one, it's pretty decent) but it's not groundbreakingly awesome in comparison to the fatty. Besides, the battery doesn't actually last longer. In fact it lasts shorter, but the PSP uses less electricity, so it cancels out.

As for load times, there are benchmarks on YouTube you can check out. For some games the difference is pretty significant. For others, not so much. Once again depends on what kind of games you want. And TV out is cool ;). But only if you're into that kinda thing...

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#6 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts

is my rig not good enough? Because, despite everything I've done, I can't get this thing to stop giving me chugging graphics! :( Please help ... OK here's my rig:

Intel Media Motherboard (I ... can't really remember exactly what kind it is. It doesn't SLI, but it wasn't a cheapo Mobo either. Around $100-ish).
Intel Pentium Core2 Quad
EVGA nVIDIA GeForce 8800GT 512M
A-Data DDR2 800 4GB (2x2GB) Memory
Thermaltake 750W Power Supply
32-bit Windows Vista Home Premium

Now maybe this isn't Crysis-good, but I thought it was at least a decently powerful machine, right? So how come I get chugging graphics when I run Hellgate: London? (Not all the time, but when there are more than 5 enemies on-screen) This doesn't happen with any other game ...

And yes, I use compressed air every month to remove dust. And yes, I scan my computer every two weeks for viruses and spyware. No, I don't use P2P (after getting a nasty, hard-drive scrubbing virus two years ago I learned my lesson the hard way about P2P). I am just flabbergasted. Is Hellgate: London really that badly programmed?

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#7 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts

Let me see if I understand your question correctly.

Are you asking: "Does the battery that comes with the PSP-2000 (a.k.a. PSP Slim and Lite) last longer than the one that comes with the PSP-1000 (a.k.a. the 'old' PSP)?" The answer to that is: no. In fact, the battery that comes in the PSP-2000 lasts shorter than the original. However, the PSP-2000 uses less power than the PSP-1000, so in the end, the Slim has a battery life as long as the original. If you put the battery of the original PSP into the Slim, you'll get a much longer gaming experience. Too bad the battery is physically bigger, so it's gonna stick out of your console.

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#8 Opalescent
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I'm thinking about buying that new PSP battery coming out in mid-December. But I hear that since I have a PSP Slim, it's gonna buldge out. Is it going to to do it even if I get the new cover? If so how much? Is it gonna stick out so much that the thing is going to look all crazy, like it's been stung by bee and now it's all swollen on one side? Has anyone got a link to a half-way decent picture of a PSP-2000 with the new battery on it (I can't find one)?

Right now, my battery lasts ok for my needs. Of course, the longer it lasts the happier I am, but only to a degree. I'd rather have a normal looking PSP than a whacked-out looking one with double the battery life. Now if the buldge isn't even noticeable, I can deal with it, but if it looks like somebody punched my PSP in the face ...

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#9 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts
Just venting I guess. Sorry if it bothers you. A bit of history: before I was rabidly angry about how Mass Effect only got an 8.5 here at GameSpot. I thought that the reviewer was a total idiot, how dare he give an 8.5 to a BioWare RPG?!!! But then I bought it, and I played it, and now I realize I might've been too quick to judge. Maybe he was right after all...
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#10 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts

But not for the reasons that many state. I rarely play games for the graphics. I find that silly. If it has good graphics, that's great. If it does not, then that's just fine. But if its graphics are sub-par its gameplay had better be astounding or there really isn't much to recommend the game, don't you think?

I think the real problem was the hype. I'll admit, I've been a rabid BioWare fan ever since KOTOR. Frankly I expected near-godliness out of Mass Effect. And obviously it wasn't godly. Look, it's a good RPG and all, has a decent storyline and has believeable and interesting characters, but in the end, it just doesn't have the same visceral kick as some of the older ****cs. I still play Baldur's Gate II sometimes. But I don't see playing Mass Effect more than two or three times. What's the problem? I think the game doesn't spend enough time on what makes or breaks an RPG: the characters.

The best part of Baldur's Gate II, imho, is that each area you visit is so rich. It's filled to the brim with details and characters, and despite the ancient 90's era graphics it was engrossing in a way that really is difficult to explain. Mass Effect spent way too much time trying to be all over the place and ended up only doleing out tiny dollups of what should've been its main course. The reviewers were right. The "go anywhere in the galaxy" thing was not well implemented. The planets felt generic and uninteresting, and although I hung in there, by the time I reached about 4/5 of the game, I was so sick of it that I just whole-sale ignored the planets and went straight for the main storyline. I just stopped caring. At least each sidequest in Baldur's Gate II had its own personality (remember Trademeet? Or Firkragg? Or best of all, those "hidden" side quests like Kangaxx?).

The parts that worked, worked well. I just wish there was more of it. If there hadn't been the silly planet thing, and they just had the important planets, they could've increased the depth of roleplaying for those locations. Perhaps expanded the Citadel so that you could see more of it. Right now, it feels tiny, like a KOTOR map. The Citadel's supposed to be HUGE.

And, while the game works really hard to get you to like your team-mates, you have to work really hard to do it. You can only talk to them when you're in the Normandy ... if you do it in the open all you get are generic responses. They only banter on loading areas like the long elevator rides ... they don't normally banter between each other in the course of the game (anyone remember the banter between teammates in Baldur's Gate II? Especially if you have the likes of Korgan and Aerie ... it can get really interesting). I especially missed the catfights in Baldur's Gate II when you brought along both love interests, it was interesting and sometimes amusing to watch. No such thing in Mass Effect.

In the end, it seemed like Mass Effect was more shooter than it was RPG ... more's the pity. While I love shooters (if you look at my games you'll notice that most of my library are shooters), I bought this game because it was, first and foremost, an RPG. When I judge and RPG I judge it by a very different standard than I would a shooter. And to me, as an RPG, Mass Effect failed.

I tried really, really hard to like Mass Effect too. I just couldn't get into the game, there were so many distractions, so many unnecessary parts, that it detracted from the whole. You don't need to log every little thing in the Codex, thank you very much. That's not neccessary. What I WOULD like is a better implementation of the journal. Perhaps if I select a mission in the journal, something on the galaxy map could tell me where I should go? That would be nice. Maybe if I'm miles and miles from the Normany, you could give me a handy button to return to the ship? That was in KOTOR damn it, why isn't it in Mass Effect?

It just seems to me that every day, RPGs are taking one step forward, and ten steps back. Way back in the days of Baldur's Gate II, or even KOTOR, it was all about the story and characters because the graphics just weren't there, and they had to concentrate their time and effort on something. Now, it's all about the graphics. In the worst insult to me, Mass Effect's graphics aren't even all that special, when compared to the likes of Gears of War. So really, what's to recommend about this game? I really feel sorry for the kids who pick this up and actually think that it's the best that RPGs have to offer.