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#1 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts

What are the warning signs that your Xbox 360 is close to getting the red rings of death? Yesterday, I was playing Gears of War when it started to stutter. The frame rate plummeted like an anvil dropped in water, and it was basically a slideshow, the framerate was so bad. It picked back up, and so I kept playing. Later that day I was playing geometry wars and the game completely froze up. I restared the Xbox and everything was fine, but I was so worried that I decided to turn off the console and call it a day, out of fear that if I kept playing the RROD wouldn't be very far off.

Are those signs of RROD imminent? If so, what can I do? I haven't gotten the RROD yet (thank god), but if it's close I'd like to ward it off if possible. Should I get an air can and clear the vents? Or should I just get a hold of the Xbox replacement number and expect to dial it for a coffin within the next week?

The annoying thing is that my Xbox is an Elite, and I got it less than a month ago. It's in a well-ventilated area and is right in front of an air conditioner blasting cold air right at it. It shouldn't overheat, damn it! :(

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#2 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts
Quite simply, the answer is no. But then again, Japanese RPGs are awesome. I've always been a Final Fantasy fan myself. In any event, if you really like Mass Effect, you might consider getting an Xbox Core just for it. Core is a pretty cheap package, just don't expect it last very long :). I always did love Bioware's stuff though, every one of their major RPGs have always been good. Icewind Dale series, Baldur's Gate series, PS:T, Jade Empire, KOTOR, and now Mass Effect ...
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#3 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts

Man, dude, you really need to be specific when you ask, "what's good for X", where X = any console. Because, like, if you love RPGs, then Oblivion would be the game for you. If you hate RPGs, then Oblivion would suck for you. So you need to tell us what kind of games you like or we can't help you.

Personally, Resistance: Fall of Man is an excellent game to pick up. It's a PS3 classic and possibly the best shooter on the PS3 whne it came out. Of all the games that the PS3 launched with, I think Resistance was the best. That now, a good year after RFoM was launched, it's still so good is a testement to how well it has aged. Even being a year old, and not neccessarily having graphics comparable to Gears of War, it's still an incredible game, with an engrossing single-player campaign and very good multiplayer.

Heavenly Sword looks amazing and plays amazing, but unfortunately it's on the short side. If you like God of War you'll like Heaveny Sword, but my advice is to rent it. Speaking of God of War, despite being a PS2 game I still suggest getting a used copy of it and its sequel, God of War 2; that is unless you already have a PS2 and own both games, which is altogether possible. But if you do not, I really suggest it since God of War is an incredible experience that should not be missed. And because it's a relatively older game, God of War and God of War 2 should be obtainable for less than $50 for both (assuming both used).

I've already mentioned Oblivion. If you like american style role playing games you'll love Oblivion. It's massive, and it has so many side-quests that people have been known to spend a whole year on the game and not even get halfway through the main quest, they've been spending so much time on sidequests (me, for instance). It really looks fantastic, the PS3 Blu-ray version is a visual treat not to be missed. If you don't already have the PC version, then you owe it to yourself to pick this up for the PS3 if you like RPGs at all.

I don't like racers, or sports games, so I can't recommend any. I hear Madden is pretty good if you're into that sort of game. Motorstorm too.

The Playstation Network is an excellent (and free! unlike those cheap b*stards over at Micro$oft) service that lets you play games like Resistance and Warhawk online. It's really great, and you can download updates for your game by navigating to the Playstation Market icon on your XMB. It's really very similar to Xbox LIVE's marketplace, so if you know how that works, it isn't all that much different. Sure, there are superficial differences, and cosmetic differences, but ultimately it's just an online store, and in the end all online stores are pretty similar in function.

Your PSP is the perfect complement to your PS3 and I congradulate you warmly on an excellent choice. You can play Playstation One games purchased and downloaded from the Playstation Network on your PSP. In fact, through its wireless connection, your PSP can download those games directly to itself, letting you play them even when you're nowhere near your PS3. You can also play games from your PS3 on your PSP. Many people do this to play the action RPG Lair without having to deal with the SIXAXIS controller. The only downside is that Lair shows up on the PSP's screen, and not on your TV. Currently it is unknown if it is possible to essentially use your PSP as a PS3 controller.

The PSP also downloads music and I believe now video as well from your PS3's hard drive, which you can then bring with you if you want to listen to some tunes away from your PS3. This is all on top of the PS3's very nice selection of games. Some people will tell you that the DS has better games; in my opinion there's room in the market for both hand-helds because I feel they both cater to different crowds. At least Micro$soft isn't trying to edge into the handheld market, eh? :)

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#4 Opalescent
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So I almost got parts of Halo 3 spoiled before I managed to look away and hit alt+f4 and thus destroying the offending spoiler window. Despite the auto-ban on all Halo 3 spoiler threads a few pop up here and there, they're like weeds. It's gotten to the point where I don't even open any thread with the word "Halo" in it anymore for fear of being spoiled. Even when it doesn't have Halo in the title I am wary. I can just imagine some purile kid making an innoculous topic like, "Which Xbox should I get?" and then stuffing that post with every Halo 3 spoiler he could get his hands on :evil:.

I'm gonna be so glad when September 25 rolls around, and I could just retreat from the forums for a good two weeks actually playing Halo 3 instead of lurking around the forums trying to avoid it.

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#5 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts
Umm, cry, maybe. Then I'd get over it and play my PS3 :P. Seriously speaking I highly doubt that'd happen but if it did, probably all the good games would automatically shift to Sony. I kind've doubt Nintendo, with its heavy emphasis on casual, non-traditional gaming, would be particularly eager to pick up Halo 4 :).
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#6 Opalescent
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I dunno, I actually didn't like the old "steampunk" version of Timeshift. I especially like the redesigned Timesuit, man that think looks rad. I played the demo, it was alright, I just hope they use those time powers a bit more creatively then just "freeze time to walk over electrified water."
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#7 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts
Let me put it this way, I wouldn't put money on getting your 360 back before Halo 3 launches. I'd say it'll take maybe another 2 weeks or so.
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#8 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts
Yeah, you should be just fine if all you want is the regular edition. My local GameStop tried to get me to buy the Legendary edition ("Quick! Before they're all sold out!") but I would've regretted that massively. Really, what would I do with a silly plastic Master Chief helmet and a few extra disks? All I really wanna do is play the game :). By the way, I heard that Micro$oft is turbopumping the number of regular edition Halo 3's in anticipation of massive demand, which just makes sense, considering how popular this game's gonna be. I should also say, though, don't buy it on release day, or you'll be waiting in 10-mile long lines.
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#9 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts

1) Yes, but the hard drive is screwed in. You'll need a tool kit and a mini-phillips screwdriver to open that baby up. A word of caution, those screws are machine tightened! They strip like they're made of plastic; so be VERY careful when you try to open it up. If you end up stripping the screws, try using needle-nosed pliers. Preferably the locking needle-nosed pliers, which have more power than just your finger strength.

2) See above poster. Most formats should work, though.

3) Nope. See, Blu-Ray is write-protected, so if you tried, the data would be corrupted anyway, not to mention you'd go to jail if you somehow succeeded.

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#10 Opalescent
Member since 2006 • 247 Posts

As everyone knows, when you download movies on Xbox LIVE, they eventually expire. Is there any way to "reactivate" them after they've expired (without having to re-download)? I know it's a nooby thing to ask :( but I'll freely admit I'm a 360 noob, I just got my 360 less than a week ago.

Also, is there some kind of GameSpot community friend web? Like a stickied list of people somewhere who are willing to accept XBL friend offers from someone else who's on GameSpot? I always find it hard to make friends on XBL because 9 times outta 10 the people I meet are 10 year old Halo kiddies with potty mouths. It seems like GS people are more mature ... anyway just curious.