Opalescent's forum posts
I really like the Wii, but unfortunately I've stopped getting games for it. Here's a list of all the games I have:
Super Mario Galaxy
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Mario Kart Wii
Metriod Prime 3: Corruption
Wii Fit
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
No More Heroes
So, basically, I own all the games I'll ever own for the Wii, it seems. All the major Nintendo Franchises (Mario, Zelda, SSB, Mario Kart, Metriod) have been covered, so unless (very unlikely) Nintendo releases another Mario on the Wii, the only other games for me to get is third party. Now, let's be honest here, 90% of the 3rd party development on the Wii so far (with some significant exceptions) have been nothing but shovelware. No, I don't want Animal Crossing. I certainly don't want to actually spend MONEY on Hannah Montana, except to break the DVD in half, spit on it, and mail it back to her.
So while I don't hate the Wii, I am worried that there aren't going to be any games that interest me in the future. And if that's the case, once I'm done playing all the games I already have on the Wii, it's likely I'll sell the console as I would have no further use for it.
I like the adjectives in that last sentence lol. But really, it can only get better with the PS3. The PS3 bottomed out at launch, with that hefty price tag and basically no games. There's no way to go but up. Eventually, perhaps early-mid 2009, they will start to make profit off their hardware. And maybe they'll come with a price cut mid-late 2009 while still profiting. Plus with all the games coming out, they are in too deep anyways.blazndragon0
I'm afraid I'll have to respectfully disagree there, blazndragon0. I don't think that the PS3 has "nowhere to go but up", mainly because they haven't gone up, they've gone down. We'll see I suppose, and you're right, with all the games coming out they are in very deep, but I still believe pulling out would be the least painful way for them to gracefully end the PS3's life, which is on life-support anyway.
I think what we'll see in 2009 is the entire collapse of the PS3 structure. The games will do OK. They won't be amazing, but they won't sell the kind of units that can sustain a console. In 2010, we'll see a precipitous drop in games as developers begin to shun the money-losing PS3. Third-party exclusives will vanish, and multiplatforms will start to shift to developed-for-360, ported to PS3. The PS3 might recieve a much-needed price cut, perhaps bringing the low-end PS3 down to $350 or even $300, still not enough to revive the PS3's fortunes.
Eventually, much like the Dreamcast, Sony's in-house game development division will begin to develop games for other consoles (such as porting God of War 3 to the Xbox 360). That would spell the beginning of the end, as it would indicate that Sony is preparing the PS3 for the graveyard. Finally, by late 2010, the PS3 begins its death spiral. Massive price cuts on the order of $100 in order to shift inventory begins (whee! PS3 for $200?! Oh wait, it's going to be discontinued? Booo!). Finally, by Feb. 2011, Sony announces in a press conference that the Playstation line has been terminated. Development for the PS4 has been halted.
The PS3 is a failure. It's way too expensive, especially in this current market where everyone is tightening their belts, and it's been losing market share since its release. Also, Sony may never fully recover the cost of the PS3 (it's still selling at a loss, as opposed to the Xbox 360, which breaks even, or the Wii, which generates a small profit for each console sold). Sony's in a pickle, no doubt about it. So what should they do? I propose they cede the market completely.
That's right: I think they should just stop making PS3's and cede the home console market, cut their losses and get out before their lack of profitabilty destroys them. That doesn't mean they have to stop making games, though. Sega's Dreamcast died off, but Sega didn't; it's a pretty successful developer right now, and has released some really nice games (Sonic aside). If Sony announces a refresh of the God of War series, developed for the 360 (and begins work on bringing GoW3 to the 360) it could help boost the 360 enough to perhaps compete with the Wii.
If Sony leaves the market now, it'll be OK. Sure, it's wasted a lot of money on the piece of junk also called the Playstation 3, but Sony's not a game company like Nintendo, who could've well gone out of business if the Wii had failed. Sony also has its computer line (VAIO's etc) and its TV line (the Bravia). They're still profitable, not to mention it owns the only hi-def format, the Blu-Ray, which although it isn't selling so well right now, is a potential cash cow in the future. So, Sony could afford to pull out. Sure, it'll hurt in the short run, but they'll be glad in the long run not to have that money-hemmoraging albatross around their neck
The original Fallout saved the RPG genre.
And Fallout 3 is going to kill it.
[edit]: To all those people saying, "This is the future of the RPG, live with it", that's just the problem. This ISN'T an RPG. Basically, we're mourning the death of the RPG, because there ARE no real RPGs left anymore. At least, none on the level of Fallout, or Baldur's Gate. That's what's so sad; the genre is completely dead and it died with a wimper, not a bang. I hope you're happy with your shallow shoot-'em-up, because that's what Fallout 3 is.
See, the difference here is that MGS4 is almost certainly going to come to the Xbox 360, while the PS3 has almost no chance of ever getting Halo or Gears.
But for myself: 360 - probably Final Fantasy
PS3 - Halo or Gears
Oh I totally agree. I shouldn't have, but it's a bit late saying that now since I can't return it for a full refund :(. And all this talk about what makes a "good" game is a bit moot. IMHO I always thought a game was good for you if you liked it. And sucked if you hate it. I fail to understand what "everyone else is saying" has anything to do with whether or not you personally would like a game, but I guess that's just me.
I think the best case in point is MGS4. I was completely meh about it when everyone else was going crazy. It was just basically the final straw that made me realize this just wasn't the console for me.
It would appear the general consensus is for me to sell it, so I guess I will. Thank you for all the offers but the fact is, I don't want to bother, nor do I really wanna have to go through the hassle of having to package and ship the thing, I've had a few bad experiences with FedEx and UPS. I'll probably turn it into GameStop for store credit. It's the easiest and most convenient way to get rid of it (and I could also unload all the games at the same time as well). Thanks for the advice guys.
As to all the questions why I'm doing this; I never was a fan of the console and only got it because I was scared of RROD for the 360. It didn't have any games I wanted when I got it but I thought maybe it would eventually. A year later it still didn't. I don't think I really want to wait any longer.
I guess I started coming to the conclusion that I should sell my PS3 yesterday, when MGS4 came out. I realized that all that hoopla was over a game I never wanted to play. At that point a friend of mine asked me a very good question: if I wasn't even going to get MGS4 what was I doing with a PS3 in the first place?
And that brought up an excellent point. What WASI doing with a PS3? I don't like the system, I don't like the games on the system, I don't use Blu-Ray, so why do I own the thing? I thought back to when I first bought it and I realize I got it because I originally wanted a 360 but was scared off by RROD. So at the time I thought I was getting a RROD-less 360, but as it turned out I later bought a 360 anyway and it hasn't failed on me yet, 6 months later.
Right now the only thing keeping me from selling my PS3 is the fact that I would never recover the full $500 I spent on it, so in some sense, why should I bother? It's not like it's hurting me any, sitting there, I would only sell it because I don't need it. Also, it's the 60GB version, and I still like to play some of my PS2 games on it, so it still has some marginal value left. It's just that selling the system feels like cutting off my nose to spite my face; I've already sunk the $500, what's the point of selling it now? I realize I should've returned it when I had the chance, but it's too late now.
So what do you guys think? Sell it for far less then what I paid to get it but at least recoup some of my investment, or hang onto it in the hopes that someday the PS3 might actually have some good games (and risk the unit depreciating even more)?
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