okay showing demonstrations for DmC were not so great , what happened to most of the story , it's as if they were altered ..how'd he get those weapons , what other type of skill they can do later on , why is the HP bar looking the way it looks , change it ..where is the D.trigger , why have you not used it..wasted the gold orb carelessly , I know it's a demo but still
3 things that are disappointing here , #1 there are no sign of single throwing techniques , #2 no ledge grabbing or side steps or evasive rollouts and # 3 no defense ..haven't saw any of the characters block any form of attack lunged towards them , where's the HP bar , how you know the characters are taking any type of Damage at all ..work hard on delivering Sony ..wouldn't want to skip this
W,wait why is Angel now playable , her movelist is the same as kazuya's unless they finally found a way to balance her out , and why is true ogre in the game , he a seperate character now ?
@Uiltetwr I can think of 2 reasons , first they probably kept them off just for the sequel orrr , waiting for enough votes to roll in so they can build the move tree, with that they are leaving out a whole lot of possible entries
Aw what the hell is this , WRONG ship , his outfit should have been the one from pts 2 & 3 not Future , and out of all the weapons they decided to add the lame first game ones what's with the specials ... lv 2 should either have been the Zodiac or RHYNO , Bouncer would have been good , lv 3 could have been his inferno armor from up your arsenal , no this is ..just no
OrNiGhTZ's comments