@LilRoss2k3: The story is freaking amazing, dude. It is the only one to get into the political details of the world in any FF game. The game does start very slow, but by the time Balthier and Basch show up, the game kicks up the pace amazingly. The whole structure of the story is amazing. Vaan may not be the best main character, but his fish out of water presence helps the audience understand all the political intrigue going on. Without him there would be no reason for the characters to explain a whole lot without it feeling extremely forced since everyone else in the game knows all about what is going on. His presence helps us in the end. I think you should give it a second chance. The game is really fun with a whole lot to do. A hundred hours in and I still wasn't done everything (story can probably be handled in 40-60 hours though).
@naotasback: XII is better than X when it comes to story, characters, world, and for the sheer amount of content. X has a more well-balanced gameplay system though... except the Sphere Grid... screw that thing. However, the new Zodiac System in this remaster should fix up the issues with combat in the older version of the game, so who knows what will happen now. I love XII so much. Only like VI, VII, and IX more. XII is just awesome.
@Shadowmax889: Lack of third party support is all on Nintendo. The fact the PS4 and XB1 have more options because of third party support still holds up I am afraid. The fact there is no third party support is a severe knock against Nintendo all on its own. :/
@fig56: This is just wrong. Nintendo wants to forget the Wii U even happened at this point. They want to sweep it under the rug as fast as possible, and have felt that way for at least the last year.
@RyanBurnsRed: With all the sales and free games, PS+ isn't that bad a service. Not great, but nothing is really great these days. Everything has pros and cons.
Ah. I think this is too soon. Should of done this next month to capitalize on the very much expected Nintendo Switch shortage. With Nintendo clearly botching the release of the Switch by only shipping out 2 Million total units, it is the BEST time to hit back and totally cut into their potential buyer base. Gotta jump and take advantage of the situation. So should MS. It would teach Nintendo a lesson for being complete a-holes with their self-imposed scarcity on such a big item.
@rickjamesia: Oh, Marvel was in gigantic trouble in the 90s. Their bankruptcy almost killed them off completely and was the reason they sold off the movie rights of the X-Men and FF to Fox for a pittance and sold the rights of their most popular character in Spider-Man to Sony instead of keeping them in-house. They were a disaster.
@Isamu_36: Cause the East has never been warmongering or barbaric at any point in time... The Huns? The Japanese Empire? The Persians? None of these were barbaric and warmongering? Sorry to burst your bubble, but being warmongering is not exclusively a Western invention. It is ingrained in humanity from the very beginning of our entire existence, no matter where you are from.
Orga777's comments