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Out-Of-Ammo Blog

My birthday is tomorrow, and one of my gifts have already been received by me.

Hmmm... I worded the title weirdly. :roll:

Anyways, wut up, My Home Skillets! :D

My birthday is tomorrow (February 25), and since I will be busy tomorrow, I decided to post my Birthday blog today. :|

I'll finally be 15! :D8)

Or will I? :shock:

Has anyone ever wondered if your parents were lying to you about to you about your birthday for some reason or another? :shock:

Meh. :|

Anyways, 2 of my birthday presents came in the mail today! :D Whoot! :) And I am happy about it! :D

Here is the pic. :)

(Please excuse my floor. :D I had some friends over last weekend, and I still haven't gotten around to making myself (or, most likely, someone else :P) vacuum my room yet. :D And yes, we had paint. :P Oh well, the flooring in my room should be getting redone soon anyway. :D)

I know that a lot of you must be having trouble figuring out what these 2 items are. Or your not, and I'm annoying you (Slyfur). :lol:

Well, here is a pic of them out of their cases.

They are 2 separate OST's (original sound tracks) for the game The World Ends With You.

I love the music of the game, and I got tired of looking up the tracks and listening to them on Youtube. So I asked my Dad to get me these 2 CD's for me for my birthday. (along with other stuff. :))

They costed $100 in all. :shock: Thats's right, $100 for 2 CD's! :shock: One costed $40, the other $60. Why did they cost so much, you may be asking? (or not) :P Because they don't sell these in America anymore. :| So, I imported them from Japan on :)

Here are more pics.

The front cover of the first OST.

The back cover of the first OST.

The front cover of the second OST.

The back cover of the second OST.

Sorry if the pics are a little blurry, iPhone cameras FTL! :x

I am listening to the first one as I am typing this, and I can say that I am VERY happy about receiving these items.

Since my birthday isn't until tomorrow, I haven't received anything else yet. But I already know everything else that I am getting. :) An iPod Touch (because my last one broke. :(), 8)

Oh, and also, I bought a Sega Saturn! :D

Here is a pic of it.

If the link doesn't work, there is a picture of it in my Images section. :)

I haven't gotten any games for it yet though. :( But I have a new battery for it (for it's internal memory), a 3D controller, and a copy of NIGHTS: Into Dreams... and Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge coming in the mail soon. :) And if I have any questions about it, I can just ask my awesome Home Skillet, Darkman2007, about it. :)

I guess that is pretty much it. Thanks for reading my blog, My Delicious Home Skillets! :D (I had to add the "Delicious" because of how happy I am about my OST's. :D



....I wonder how much money I can get from suing Urban Dictionary....

i. have. FURY!!! :?

Wait. :| Wrong phrase. :D

I. have. ANGER!!! :x

Well, my good HOME SKILLETS, I just read my friend djmellstrom's recent blog, where he decided to do research on my AWESOME, increasing-popularitied word, Home Skillet. :D

He then gave a link to Urban Dictionary's definitions of the word.

Here is the link.

How DARE Urban Dictionary list my word as basically meaning "Gangsta"!? :x They have NO right to even HAVE my AWESOME word on their site! :x And they give the WRONG DEFINITION!? :x:x:x

I maaaaay be overreacting, but they are giving out WRONG information about MY word!!! :x:x:x:x:x

Before I continue, I think this counts as my first rant. :| Wow...:lol:

I swear, I am going to have my Ninja Kitten Army ATTACK that website! :x:x:x:x:x:x:x

Thank you, djmellstrom, for showing me this error in that websites definitions.

10 out of the 11 definitions tell my word as meaning "Homie", or "Home Dog", or as being a word for white people that act like people from the ghetto. :|

And pay special attention to the 11th definition.

Home Skillet

Definition: A fruit snack that has been sat on by a taxi driver for seven weeks and is still good to eat.

Usage in a sentence: That was one tasty Home Skillet. :x


Maybe they didn't notice that I am the LEADER of The Ninja Kitten Home Skillet Union, and that me, along with users on the union such as Slyfur, sirracannal, and TheHippyKid, they should WATCH THEIR BACK!!! :x

Alright, I am over reacting, but I still have FURY! :x

Thank you for reading through what I guess is TECHNICALLY my first rant. :lol:

Not much else is going on though. :|

I recently got Theresia for the DS, and I am enjoying it a lot. :)

It is pretty eerie. :) Not really sure if you could call it "scary" though. :|

And I changed my avatar. To celebrate Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth coming out on the 16th, I decided to get a moving avatar of Miles Edgeworth shouting "Objection" in Japanese. :) Epic Win. :lol:

And I just recently became an officer of BlooRoxyBeagle's and LittleGreenDog's new union, The Union That Never Was. :)

So now I advertise it. :)

It is a union where you can talk about Kingdom Hearts, well, anything, but it is dedicated to Organization XIII. :)

The Union That Never Was link.

Well, I guess that is all, Home Skillets. :) Thank you for reading my boring rant blog. :D

Goodbye, Home Skillets! :)



Stuck at home sick. :(

Well, as you know by the title, I am sick. :( I got strep, which is NOT very fun to have. :| So I thought it would be a good time to post a new blog.

I finally found Persona 4.

I LOVE Persona 3, and it made me want to get Persona 4, since people say it is better then Persona 3. So far I'm enjoying it. I haven't got that far though, I just beat the first boss. :)

And I wrote another review. Can you give it a thumbs up?

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles

Thank you.

And I got tagged by Altoids007. :( I said I was done with tagging, but..... Why not? :D

1: I'm sick with strep. :(

2: I recently got Persona 4.

3: I have gotten eaten by sirracannal at least 6 times in all, on both The Ninja Kitten Home Skillet Union and The Sims Lovers.

4: It is a LOT harder to come up with 10 interesting facts then a person would think. :shock:

5: I do NOT regret spending $30 on a PS2 back in November. :)

6: I'm afraid of sirracannal. :shock:

7: I'm afraid of Slyfur. :shock:

8: I'm sorta afraid of oceanbacon. :shock:

9: I'm listening to Rebirthing by Skillet right now, which is SUCH a great song. :) I think I'll make it the theme song of The Ninja Kitten Home Skillet Union. :D

10: I'm am done with tagging. For good. :|

I'm not tagging anyone. :D It's pretty much extinct here on GS now, so LET'S FINISH IT OFF!!! :twisted:

I want to advertise some unions too.

The Ninja Kitten Home Skillet Union Leader: Out-Of-Ammo (me! :D)

The Sims Lovers Leader: sirracannal (definently NOT me! :D)

The World Ends With You Union Leader: Slyfur

Guess thats it for now.

Later, Home Skillets! :D


I'm no good at making blog titles. So.... new games.... WHOO!!! :)

Wassup, Home Skillets! :D I'm bored and haven't made any blogs in a while. So, here is one.

I just bought 2 games.

Persona 3: FES

Everybody says this game was great, and I love Shin Megami Tensei, so I bought it. I haven't gotten around to playing it yet, though.

Capcom Fighting Evolution

This game didn't get very good reviews, but I like it. It is a great game for fans of fighting games such as my self (especially Capcom fighting games), and I recommend it to anyone who likes Street Fighter, Darkstalkers (greatest fighting series ever), Red Earth, or any of Capcom's other great fighting games. Plus, it has Felicia! :D

I always fight with Felicia (Darkstalkers) and Kenji (Red Earth), because cats are awesome, and Ninjas are awesome, but when you put them together.... EPICNESS!!!

I plan to get Darksiders and Bayonetta pretty soon.

But I can't afford either of them right now. But my birthday is next month (February 25), so I will just save money from that to get the games.

Also, I recently wrote 2 reviews I games I recently beat.

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

Star Fox Adventures

Can you all give them thumbs ups? I made the link appear in a new window so you don't have to leave my blog to recommend them.

Hmmmm.... Still bored....

HOME SKILLETS!!! :twisted:

*ahem* That is good.

Oh, one more thing, my union was formed about a week ago (The Ninja Kitten Home Skillet Union!), so JOIN! :) And I sent all of my friends invites, so you can just accept those, or decline if you want.

That is all.

Goodbye, Home Skillets! :D

-Out-Of-Ammo :P

Happy New Year, Home Skillets! :D

Everybody else seems to be doing this, so I thought I would do one too!

I have played a lot of games this year. Unlike last year, more than 4 of the games I played this year actually came out this year. So, these are my top 5 games of 2009. (to be on my list, they actually had to come out in 2009). :D

5: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days

4: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

3: Borderlands

2: Resident Evil 5

1: inFamous

It was a tough choice between the last 2, but I chose inFamous as #1, because I just enjoyed it more than RE5.

I also played a lot more games this year, but most of them were released before 2009. Some favorites are The World Ends With You, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Nights: Journey of Dreams, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Fallout 3.

I have enjoyed 2009 a lot. I made some new friends at school, got to play a lot of great games, got to go to North Carolina for the summer, made a lot of great friends here on GS, and more stuff that I can't think of right now.

Hopefully 2010 is just as great, if not better! :D

And there are a lot of games I am looking forward to in 2010, such as Bayonetta, Darksiders, Dark Void, Final Fantasy XIII, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, Last Window (sequel to Hotel Dusk: Room 215), Mass Effect 2, and many more! :D

Happy New Year, Home Skillets! :D

Thank you for reading my blog. Until next blog, GOODBYE HOME SKILLETS! :D

P.S., I am starting to form the Ninja Kitten Home Skillets Union, so if you got a PM asking you to be a charter member, please accept! And please join!


I have been wanting to make my FIRST union....

I have been wanting to make my own union for a while now, and after much thought, I have come up with the PERFECT union name.

Prepare for it's epicness....

(drumroll please)

THERE we go! (don't ask how I find pics this random XD:lol: ) Now, without further ado....


Epic, Right? :D

First of all, I need officers. Users that will post a LOT! :roll:

So, who wants to be a million.... I mean, Union Officer!!!???

I will be sure to provide any more Information about it if someone asks about it.

Until next blog, Goodbye Home Skillets!!! :D:D:D


Perfect, Right?

Home Skillet. That is my blog title. Whoo!

First of all, I got ta.... Oh, wait, cool! I didn't get tagged today! :) I'm done with tagging anyway. So DON'T TAG ME!!!

Also, the blog title serves no purpose, nor dose this blog.

I got Demon's Souls and Borderlands for Christmas, and I've been playing them a lot lately. I have also been playing Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth for my PSP, which I got for Christmas. And I got Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 and Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, but I haven't played them yet. What did you all get for Christmas?

This is not a long blog. I got bored. :D

HOME SKILLETS! MUHAHAHAHAHA! :twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:

*ahem* Anyways, LOOK AT THIS VIDEO!

I even made it appear in a new window so you don't even have to leave GS.

Thank you for reading my blog, which I wrote out of shear boredom.


Okay, that is all. Goodbye, home skillets.


3 days in a row!? Seriously!?

3.... Days.... NOW.... I got tagged today by ShootumUP26 as payback (:question: ). And now I have to do 10 more facts and then tag 3 more people. Wait, didn't I do a tagging blog yesterday? AND the day before yesterday!? Crap!

Here we go....

1. My favorite colors are Green and Black.

2. I FINALLY figured out how to eat a cupcake without getting icing on my face. (If you have no idea what i am talking, read my last blog)

3. I still have yet to figure that with the potato chips though. OR the water.

4. I should be going to a Christmas party later tonight.

5. I used some (most :P) of my Christmas money to buy Demon's Souls and Ominusha 1.

6. I wonder why no one has made a Pie equivalent to cupcakes. :question:

7. I have read about 4 Warriors books, and am still reading about 3 more.

8. I started reading Warriors when I got stuck at the airport in Atlanta, Georgia, and decided to buy one since Slyfur said they were awesome.

9. Am drinking Dr. Pepper right now.

10. I finally got my PS3, PS2, Wii, AND DirectTV reciever hooked up to my new TV. :D

Okay, now I tag:

@sirracannal: (revenge :twisted: )

@HollywoodRPG: (humor :twisted: )

@RikusGirl6: (revenge :twisted: )

Okay, that is all.



Tagged. Twice. In 2 days.

As long as you can read, you will notice that my blog title says that I got tagged. :( Again. :cry: This time by sirracannal (I tagged Teengamer92, he tagged sirracannal, and she tagged me, hopping that I would tag someone who would tag her :() Anyways, here are 10 MORE facts about me.

1. My favorite game of 2009 is either inFamous, Resident Evil 5, or The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.

2. I think BlazikenTails64 beat Munchgun in the Random Contest.

3. I am eating a cupcake right now. Stupid Cupcake! Why is there so much icing on it!? I can't bite into it without getting icing on my face! Maybe I should eat the icing first, and THEN the cake. NO! THEN THE CAKE WILL TASTE BAD BECAUSE IT HAS NO ICING ON IT!! Oh! Maybe if I eat it this way.... NOOOOOO!!!!!! IT DIDN'T WORK!!!!!! :cry:

4. I like cupcakes. Usually....

5. I don't think flashlights are very funny....

6. I think this is my favorite emoticon: :D

7. I am done with my cupcake and am now eating potato chips. Ahhh, no icing here.... *bites into chip and gets icing on face* WHAT!? HOW!!!???

8. I only have about $7 in my wallet.

9. My wallet looks like an NES controller.

10. I got tired of eating chips and got a nice, cold, bottle of water out of the fridge. *drinks water and gets icing on face* OH, COME ON!!!!!!

Okay, now for the only fun thing about tagging: passing your misery on to other people! :twisted:

I tag:



and Sly.... I mean, katamari!

Thank you for reading my blog, Home Skillets....


Tagged again!

Yes, my Home Skillets! I have been tagged once again, this time by RikusGirl6. :x Alright, here are my facts.

1: I think Ninjas are WAY better than Pirates!

2: I like cats more than dogs. Cats FTW!

3: I don't like coffee. Well, accept for those vanilla Frappuchinnos (have no idea how to spell it) from Starbucks....

4: I can't wait until FFXIII comes out in the U.S.!

5: My favorite fast-food restaurant is Taco-Bell.

6: I just got a new T.V. (which is bigger than the one in my living room XD).

7: My birthday is in February.

8: My favorite game company is Capcom.

9: I'll play pretty-much any game with zombies in it. :P

10: I'm going to my mom's house in North Carolina for Christmas.

Thank God that is over. Now who should I tag....




Sorry. :cry:

Goodbye, Home Skillets!
