I think it's funny how just like how Halo Reach (which came before all the other Halo games story wise) Gears of War Judgement will also feature weapons and abilities that weren't in the previous games. This is the problem with making prequels. If you're going to make one, you can't have a bunch of fancy stuff that they don't have in that game's universes future! Yeah it's cool, but I don't really think Marcus Fenix and every other COG forgot how to use a weapon while they held a boomer's shield. Oh well.
@wiouds Just remember that it the past not only were games $50, but you never EVER had to purchase extra content because everything that made the game what it was came with the game.
The way I see it people these days are stressed out more than ever and playing violent video games only helps to relieve their stress. Yes you could blame killings on violent games, but back in the day of Ancient Rome there was plenty of killing and they did not have video games, they had gladiators, so if anything, violent video games most likely prevent more violence then they cause.
I think it would be very cool for them to release an "add-on" that was some sort of "Stealth trials" where you would be given certain bone charms and sneak through several new missions, something challenging like that.
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