I like the odd random and creazy union, and by the looks of things a lot of you would too, join now and you get free air!!!! just click the like below and sign up, or pm me and i'll invite you.
I can't add a poll to this can i, also i know you have to atach the retro controler to the wii conrtoler, how does this work? does the wii controler get in the way? is there some thing on the back that atacthes the two so this isn't a problem? do you lose connection a lot becase the wii remomete isn't facing the screen but dangeling form the retro controler?
I envy thee, thou hath a Wii..*Sob* I can't really judge since I don't have a Wii, the darn thing is still sold out..o.0 Oh and it's 'than my Wii'..;)Xyrie
I've got one but it took some time . I got pissed with the lieing ******************************************* GAME They gave my wii , preordereed in the begining of NOvember, in the middle of january a boy at my school hooked on PS3 till like the 20th December, when he ordered the wii, he got it by christmass. I live in england so launch date was 8/12
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