Anyway, Call of Duty 2 was awesome. I liked it alot better than the original. The battles were just amazing, simply amazing. Playing it the first time was mind-blowing but playing it again just isn't the same.
Most WWII FPS games stick with the same formula. I think Brothers In Arms Road to Hill 30 was quite innovative, it was new. Even though I love WWII games, they do get a little bit repetitive.
I wouldn't. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game. One of the reasons it appealed to me so much was that it was free. I had a great time with GW and I enjoyed not worrying about leveling as fast as a I can to get the most out of my money. I didn't feel rushed to play like I do sometimes in WoW. As good as it is, I still wouldn't want to pay monthly for it. I know it won't happen but I'm curious to see other's reponses.
I was a console gamer back then. I actually just got into PC gaming recently with Call of Duty 2 (2005). The PC has some of the best, if not the best multiplayer games. Battlefield 2, Counter-Strike, Call of Duty. So many great games. PC games with always be graphically ahead of consoles, always. Just look at Crysis. It looks incredible! Saying that being a PC is expensive is partially true. I don't have a great PC, but I run most games on max settings. It doesn't take a $2,000 rig to play games on high. The mouse and keyboard combo is the best. I just got a MX518 mouse to go with my G15 keyboard and I'm loving it. I hardly play on my PS2 anymore. I just can't play FPS's with a joystick. I will stick with PC gaming for a long time to come. I don't plan on buying any of the next gen consoles. They don't interest me one bit. I'm happy with my rig and plan on upgrading in the future.
It's actually pretty boring in the beginning. That's why I hate starting new characters. You just gotta force yourself to level up to the more exciting levels. Levels where you can do instances and PvP. If you played it for 1 hour, I'm assuming you've only reached level 5 or so. It took me a while for the game to get going.
I think they could have added a little more variety in terms of weapons and armor. Basically everyone has the same armor in the game. Customizing your weapons and armor with runes and such was a neat concept. I think it would have been more fun with tons of variety of different stuff to make your character the best. For someone who doesn't like PvP and who has already beat all the story missions, there isn't much to do.
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