@Slim_Lyrics Obviously not every games MP is tacked on, personally I don't play the ME3 MP and I only played the SP and I didn't feel like it was less of an experience because of the MP but games like Dead Space 2, BioShock 2, Spec Ops the line, Assassin's Creed 2 onwards just to name a few did feel like the MP was tacked on and that there was less of a SP experience because of the MP. I am pretty sure Metro 2034 would be added to that list if it had MP but thankfully now they can just focus on what should be an excellent SP game.
@nokia4512 I have played a couple of hours into the PC version using a 360 pad. Graphically the game is really poor it seems to me that they put no effort into the port the next reason is GFWL and while this isn't the games fault it's a bad choice to attach it to the game. Next even with the controller the target lock on is really annoying and sometimes you can't lock onto the target you want to. I understand that the game is designed to be hard and I have died plenty of times but quite a few of these deaths have been cheap, for example I have been killed by an enemy who slashed his sword out in-front of him even though I was clearly not in the path of where the sword went.
I don't see how this game can get a 9.5 it's a really poor port and the only reason it's playable is due to the PC community. The developers of this game have no clue what PC looks like never mind how to make a game run on one, this game should have got a 6.5 at best. The question I have is who paid for the review score?
This seems a bit dodgy to me when I first heard about Bin Laden's death and how they dumped his body in the ocean I figured it didn't quite add up. I know this is an extreme way of looking at it but who better to tell a BS story to than the 15 year olds that will be playing this game. When the mission is played and the white bold letters appear on a plain black background "based on a true story" for those 15 year olds the BS story told to the world becomes fact. Even if he is dead there has been so many conflicting stories of how he tried to use his wife has a shield or how he went for a gun it seems all to convenient that they would kill him and then dispose of the body. It's a lot like how the clean up of the world trade centre took place just days after "it fell down" there was no time for people to investigate the aftermath even if it was just to lean how to improve future buildings.
Capcom need to drop shitty games for windows live, if it was a steam works game there would be a good chance the demo would be on the PC also.
I can't believe how bad GFWL is for example I recently tried to restore a back up of a save file for F1 2011 which is actually a bit of a task since it creates random file names but even so it wouldn't load the save file and in the end I have just given up and uninstalled the game.
The problem with these season passes is that they are asking you pay for something that you have no idea about it could turn out that the adds are completely shit, I personally prefer to wait till I can see what the DLC is maybe a review so I can make an informed decision.
What's this? Warface another P2W game I will completely ignore I am not supporting anything that doesn't have a single player campaign, I couldn't give a shit about MP modes Crytek are crap at making multiplayer games I tried Crysis, Warhead and Crysis 2 MP's and they were all rubbish. It seems to me that Crysis is dead after Crysis 3 and what is he on about console quality games? Has he never played a PC quality game like the witcher 2 or Guild wars 2.
F2P is not the future! if the future is whats happened to Generals 2 then no thank you EA. EA will soon learn that they are not the only company capable of releasing games and if they stop dishing out games someone else will quickly replace them.
PC-RUL3S's comments