@BassMan: Checked usage now. It's low, like in 50%.
@PredatorRules said:
Refund and enjoy the original game :P no performance issues there
No longer have X360 or the original game.
I think he means the original PC release, but i don't think you can get anywhere other than off ebay. I bet it will have problems running because of with GFWL lots of old games do.
Which Ryzen will be better for gaming? getting the most expensive CPU is not always the obvious choice. i have the 1700X with a 1080ti 1440p 144hz my aim. Also does any1 know if my Coolmaster water cooling would fit in the new boards?
I think PC gaming is better than ever, consoles caught up which benefited us and they are built like PC's. Ports are better we get games we wouldn't of got 10 years ago like Tekken, MK etc. Why make a game exclusive when you can release it across three platforms? Consoles wouldn't get exclusives if they didn't have multi millions backing them. Console survive from exclusives PC doesn't.
And id like to add MS is in full support in PC gaming now. Halo master race collection incoming! We are also getting a exclusive gears of war RTS that's not coming to xbox.
Consoles are literately unplayable after going 144hz. Used to just get the exclusives but its like a slideshow and they add tons of motion blur to try and hide it... All this next gen talk and still stuck in the stone age...
You will always have loading games have compressed data but with SSD it will be a lot quicker. You would think running games at 30fps would be more of a problem to move on from.
When Xbox added Fight night champions and Skate 3 to its backwards compatibility, they opened servers again because people were still playing them. Does EA listen? No.
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