PETRE21's forum posts
[QUOTE="Omnipotent"]probably some rumor made up to counter the mgs4 to 360 rumor...
no credible sources for either..
theres still a chance for MGS4 to come to the x360 even if its a little but theres still. but theres no chance for GEOW to come for the PS3 because M$ helped on making that game.
Actually it's confirmed. There was a thread a few days ago about it with a link
[QUOTE="m0n3z"]I can't wait for this game. I hate the 2nd and 3rd Halo games so hopefully this game will be more to my liking.madcapper248How can you hate the 3rd halo game. IT'S NOT OUT YET
Maybe he's got the beta and doesn't like it :roll:
[QUOTE="xTheExploited"]I think that Mass Effect is going to be the best game of the year and for a long time. I have high expectations from BioWare. I cannot wait for this game to come out. I hope it comes in June and not in September.ragincoley86
Forget June and sept Bioware needs to spend the next 6 months polishing up the game and release in nov/dec. MS and Bioware should act like this is a killer app and release it the say time gears was release last year.
I think they should spend a little more time on it, but not that much, maybe like july, august, oh and is that No Apologies in ur sig, Cuz i love that song!!
Lets party all night!!!1!!! ... Hey look at teh time, it's morning (12 am in N.Y.) teh party is over ... j/king
I'll never get where you are now... never:cry:
Feel exactly the same way :cry:
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