I've gone through the game 4 times and unlocked most of the bonuses, got all the treasures. It's definately a great new franchise.
Graphics wise, it looks incredible. A lot of high res textures that pop and if you look at the rock textures especially they look amazing. The water and Drake's animations are also superb.
Now that I've got the praising out of the way. This is why I think though the game looks great, it is technically unimpressive:
-There are relatively few enemies on screen at once
-Very linear path (adventure game?)
-Enemy character models don't have Drake's amazingly fluid and realistic animations. They also don't look all that great
-A lot of the really impressive looking areas in the game have very little activity in them. Take for example the part from the demo at the beginning it is one of the most beautiful settings in the game but it's empty as hell when you get to the enemies and the wow moments seem to slip.
-Explosions and blood look terrible
-Little to no terrain deformity or destructibility (except in the jeep chase, which I found to be the only really technically impressive part in the game)
-The game seems to repeat the same patterns when you're on foot, no crazy weaponry, explosions, destruction etc. The experience is quite tame
Though having said all of that I still think it is probably one of the best looking games on consoles but I hope they revamp the engine to add more scope and technical prowess for the sequel.
i pretty much agree with this for the most part (especially the blood thing lol). However i do think the sequel will be somewhat better for the fact that they built a pretty solid foundation with this first one.(gameplay, graphic and story wise)and the series shouldnt go anywhere but up.
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