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A Little Hello

In case those who are wondering, I have been extremely busy lately. Sorry if I haven't been on very often, have been running a hectic schedule the past few weeks, I'll hope to be on more often. Regards, and enjoy your gaming!

Week In Review - Volume 5

PS Hong Kong Store Little did I know how really cool the Hong Kong PS Store was until I created an account-- and I'll be rather blunt-- I feel a bit left out for us American consumers, since there seems to be a lot more content in the Hong Kong, and Japanese PS Store, c'mon Sony show the love! I think I'll wait until Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection comes out to the US PS Store. I did however download some pretty cool videos like the GTHD Nissan, and Ferrari and also Ridge Racer 7 demo. Gears of War & Xbox 360 Well I caved in and purchased an Xbox 360, and to go along with that-- Gears of War. And I'll get straight to the point: Gears of War is simply one of the most awesome action-shooter games to come out. It's simply amazing, and the rich graphics, and it's down and gritty gameplay is just phenomenal. Ripping apart a foe with the chainsaw has never felt so right. I also made a trip and picked up a few Xbox 360 games-- Dead or Alive 4, Project Gotham Racing 3, Dead Rising, and Viva Pinata. I will say-- I am quite surprised on how an interesting game Viva Pinata is, as I've been playing it non-stop the last few days. My Game Collection After nearly a month of snooping around, and searching the GameSpot database I am proud to say I've finally completed my game collection, and to me thats a big achievement-- and owning 555 games kinda scares me-- all that money blown, I could have bought my parents and girlfriend some pretty nice gifts. Next-generation game consoles Although the next-generation has just begun, I am very curious and for some reason it's been dwelling in my inner brain-- how will the next-generation consoles shape out to be? I am a bit enthused but also at the same time-- reluctant to even move forward. While this generation has just begun, it has perhaps seem the most advancement in technology, with all this high-def glory, motion-sensing controllers, blu-ray technology, and the graphics are just mind-boggling. I wonder, if traditional gaming as a whole is over, and to be quite honest, I am not truly ready for that just yet. In fact, while I plan on getting a Wii as soon as I see one, I will no doubt enjoy it-- in fact spending time playing the games and using the Wiimote was ultimately the deciding factor on getting it so early, since I tend to purchase Nintendo systems a year or sometimes two after it's initial launch. Battletoads... seriously one of my favorite games of all time, in fact I hope Nintendo will make it available on the Virtual Console soon. It's also one of the hardest games I've ever had a chance to play-- in fact I still vividly remember my time spent in the afternoon groaning how immensely difficult the game was, and going through a few controllers, before my Mom caught me throwing them on purpose due to my frustration.
Silent Hill, PlayStation
Anyone who considers themselves a survival-horror fan-- will undoubtedly agree that Silent Hill is one of the scariest games of all time, and while it never changed anything previously done by Resident Evil, Silent Hill is a magnificent game that should be praised for what it does best: scare the hell out of you.

Week In Review - Volume 4

Wii Time Okay, well I haven’t been able to actually purchase a Wii yet, I have been spending a lot of time, this week going to my friend Dave’s to play his Wii. I must say, upon my observation the Wiimote is truly impressive in it’s own right– because I realized that it’s a fantastic controller for several reasons, one that it’s so easy to pick up and play. Playing Wii Sport’s is so easy to do– anyone can do it. But also the complex and learning curve could add some depth to the gameplay for those who want a steeper learning curve, and a fine example of that is Midway’s upcoming Mortal Kombat: Armageddon for the Wii. Using it in different ways to pull of combo’s will truly be a challenge, but will offer a learning curve for those who are experienced gamers. Prince of Persia: Rival Sword’s is also another game that could offer more depth to the Wiimote. Resistance: Fall of Man Review My first review ever on GameSpot. I hope you guys check it out, and tell me what you think. Not a lot of people comment my blog, but it would be greatly appreciated. I wanted to make it longer– but review’s shouldn’t be all too long, as I found a lot of things to write about the game(although it is fairly long, no where near as the GameSpot reviews), I wanted to make sure I’d still retain the readers attention. Many to come, but check it out! NexGenWars I never bought into all these hardware sales sites, like NexGenWars, and Vgcharts. Looking at it, its an outrageous that the PlayStation 3 has sold only 1.2 million units, are you kidding me NexGenWars, according to official numbers the PS3 sold 1.2 million couple of weeks ago! As I said, don’t pay so much attention to these sites– wait until NPD, or the official companies themselves release sales figures, because I am sorry but its fact– these sites are highly inaccurate. Europe: PlayStation 3 set to launch March 23rd, 2007 Well in case you’ve been living under a rock the past week, Sony has officially announced that the PlayStation 3 will finally be available March 23rd in Europe, and Australia. The PS3 will launch with over 30 games, with over a million units available day one. I am very interested on how much of an impact Europe will make for the PS3 sales, because it could be a big boost for Sony– and probably start turning things around, for the media-hated PlayStation 3. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning & Saw III Well I finally rented both movies, this week, and ended up being surprised(Texas Chainsaw movie). Saw III was garbage if you asked me, in fact it was the movie that put me to sleep, in the end-- it failed to capture my attention. Overall very disappointed, because some of my friends thought it was very good, but it didn't justify my $2.95 I wasted. As for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning-- it disappoint me, although it started rather slowly for my taste, the ending and the gory murder fest Leatherface went on, and using his trademark Chainsaw for the very first time, was a warm welcome home. G4 TV is utter garbage TechTV was such a badass network, until G4 took it over, now G4 is trying to compete with SpikeTV-- well excuse me while I **** G4-- even though it's been a awhile since you decided to add lame shows like Star Trek(sorry not a fan), Cops(I like the show seeing a trailer-trash wasted with a beer cans all over the place, and ash tray full of cigarette butts a but I'll watch it on Court TV), and other shows. I thought G4 was a network for gamers-- or was it your plan all along to merge with TechTV(and destroy a very good channel), so you can make more money by adding non-related shows about gaming? I'll give you props though for getting the Jamie Kennedy Show, because I find it very amusing.
Wii Sports
WIi Sports is a fantastic game, that virtually anyone can play-- and shouldn't be missed by anyone who enjoys a simple and basic game.

My Top 10 Games From 1999-2005

The arrival of the Dreamcast in 1999 ushered in the next-generation of gaming, and it's safe to say that it was a console war that had its up its down, memorable games, and not so memorable games. Also disasters, and shattered hopes-- and sadly the death of the Dreamcast. It's also safe to say, consoles themselves have come a long way, reaching new and bigger heights-- and media attention. Overall-- it's safe to say, it was one that was a bit disappointing compared to the previous generation-- but one that delivered some really memorable games. The six years came and went, and now we are just beginning to indulge our self in our next-generation systems, but without a further ado here are my Top 10 Games of the previous console generation.
10. Ninja Gaiden - Xbox
Ninja Gaiden series has been around for awhile-- but demanded a next-generation installment, and let's just say it's easily one of the best and most challenging games of all time. It's flawless, quick-paced gameplay, gorgeous graphics, and difficulty level make it one of the Xbox's finest games.
9. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec - PlayStation 2
Sony's flagship racer, Gran Turismo made it's debut on Sony's next-generation console in middle of 2001, and lets just say: racing games shouldn't be this good. With an assortment of endless tuning options, cars, tracks, and realistic driving physics, this was a game that every racing aficionado should have in their diverse PlayStation 2 collection.
8. Burnout 3: Takdown - Xbox I PlayStation 2
Racing games are always never over-the-top as Burnout 3 is, and ever since it hit the Xbox, and PlayStation 2, there hasn't been a better game that has set the bar for how fun an arcade racer should be-- and with online play, it's safe to say, it quite possibly the best arcade racer of all time.
7. Grand Theft Auto III - PlayStation 2
While some may argue, as its successors proved to get bigger and badder, GTA3 for the PlayStation 2 was the first game, that truly turned the gaming world upside down, as it implemented a free-roam gameplay, and for good measure, it paved the way for future installments, and wannabe titles. While the biggest attraction was it's free-roaming gameplay, it featured solid gameplay, mission variety, and an ever-expanding lifelike world.
6.Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic - Xbox
It's a shame the big man himself George Lucas couldn't put KOTOR on the big screen-- nor did he write it, but in all honesty KOTOR is a fine example of cutting-edge RPG heaven, as it tailored in open-ended gameplay, and different paths, and choosing your side between the dark and light side. It's hands-down tickled the fancy of many of those who played it, and will forever be remembered as one of the Xbox's greatest role-playing games of all time.
5. Soul Calibur - Dreamcast
While Tekken, Dead or Alive, and Virtua Fighter series have thrown there kicks and jabs along the way-- there hasn't been a better fighting game, than the Dreamcast's own Soul Calibur. It's quite possibly the best fighting game of all time-- with it's unique characters, and weapon based combat, there's no doubt it left a sense of amazement on all of those who played it.
4. Metroid Prime - GameCube
Samus has been gone for quite sometime, missing the Nintendo 64, but boy did her arrival on the GameCube make a splash. What made Metroid Prime simply one of the best games of this generation, was how it flawlessly and proficiently captured the classic Metroid 2D scrolling, and translating it to 3D. In all honesty-- if you haven't played it, you owe yourself.
3. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - GameCube
The Wind Waker was looked down upon when it first appeared, but don't judge a book by its cover-- because when it all boils down to it, Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is every bit of a must have as it's predecessors. The games unique setting, interesting characters, classic Zelda gameplay and Cel-shaded graphics make it one of the best games of all time in the franchise.
2. Resident Evil 4 - GameCube I PlayStation 2
Resident Evil 4, was a radical change in direction for Capcom's best known franchise, and as they say-- change is always good. Resident Evil 4's fantastic gameplay, and new elements set the standard for future survival horror games and ultimately created one of the finest games to ever be released, with it's fast and daunting gameplay, and spectacular visuals, make it a classic you'll want to play over and over again.
1. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - PlayStation 2
While many games have come and gone-- and many forgotten, it was a tough decision say which was my favorite game of the previous console generation, but what ultimately made my decision easier was choosing a game that I have not forgotten even though it has been out for six years-- and thats Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Hideo Kojima's epic, Metal Gear series has been a long-running franchise-- while MGS3 was just as good as any came before it in the series-- it's safe to say that MGS2 from my perspective is undoubtedly the best game from the whole franchise, since it was really a game that you made you intrigued by watching the cutscenes-- and its storyline is better than majority of those on the big-screen. It's gorgeous graphics set the stage for what a game should look like, and it's gameplay phenomenal. While most of the previous generations games will be forgotten-- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty will be one remembered for the ages.
Final Thoughts....
It's impossible to say which game truly stood out as the best-- but please note that this is my opinion. As for the games themselves-- not too bad, but I believe this generation could have been a lot better, but perhaps the bar was set too high for the next-generation systems(PS2,GC,XBOX,DC). Suffice to say, while not as memorable as the previous generation-- it rolled out some pretty damn good franchises(Splinter Cell, Burnout, God of War, Devil May Cry to name a few), and revival of some classic franchises that skipped a beat(Prince of Persia, Metroid, Ninja Gaiden), its been one generation that will forever be remembered like its predecessors for the spectacular games it has produced-- games have also reached a new height in terms of media attention, and overall recognition. It's been a fun ride, and the future looks bright. I am looking forward to what the previous generation has paved for the road ahead-- and I'll tell you, it looks rather bright..

Week In Review - Volume 3

January 20th, 2007 Rachel McAdams? Ok, well I'll be honest: I've watched the Notebook with my girlfriend, and currently watching Wedding Crashers(if you haven't watched it, it's a good movie), and through my observation McAdam's is a pretty damn good actress-- and she plays the parts that best showcases her acting attributes-- a girl who you can easily fall in love with, just ask Noah(Ryan Gosling) and John(Owen Wilson). Say It Aint So!! Ok, well I'm a bit bummed out, in case you haven't heard, Motorstorm has been pushed back until March. Some speculate in early March, or as far as March 20th. Just bring the god damn game out Sony! But if they think it will make the game better-- than I'm all for it. The Best Damn Movie You've Never Watched Mark my words, this is probably one of the best movies you haven't seen, and clearly reccomend it to anyone who is looking for a solid movie, with a twist, 11:14. The movie, follows up on the events surrounding the time 11:14 in five different perspectives. I feel a 'Wii' bit left out part 2 Ok well, just to give you an update: I have not got my dirty hands on a Wii yet. My local Wal-Mart has just not been getting much in, and when they do, they are almost sold. So I guess, I'll have to wait awhile. Sales Numbers If isn't abundantly clear to you-- there's been a lot of emphasize on console sales ever since the arrival of the PlayStation 3, and Wii in late 2006. In fact now more than ever, gamers are using numbers to tout one consoles superiority over another-- while numbers are indeed a good indication how a system will fair throughout it's lifecycle, let me remind you of one thing-- a systems early sales aren't as important as some may believe, because after all when it all boils down to it-- the games are what sells a game console. So when you think the console war is over just as soon as it began-- let me remind you, that this is not a battle, but a marathon. GameSpot Editors: Most Wanted Games of 2007 I looked at some of there most anticipated games of 2007-- but what the hell, no PlayStation 3 games? Maybe I overlooked, but let me remind you, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots, Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Tekken 6, Heavenly Sword, MotorStorm(to name a few) are hitting shelves later this year. PS Store To my surprise the downloads are going a lot faster for me-- I don't know what Sony did, but I like it. As for the content on the site-- I am sorry for being rude-- but get some god damn games on there. I'm growing bored, considering I have majority of the free content available on my PS3, and bought a PSone classic for my PSP(Tekken 2). And please, send Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection to the US market.
Crazy Taxi, Dreamcast
It's arguably hands down one of the Dreamcast's most recognizable game franchises which debuted on the ill-fated Dreamcast, and will always be remebered by close fans of the series, as one of the best games available for Sega's defunct system. With it's straightforward point-A to point-B type mission objectives, and ridiciously fun factor, Crazy Taxi will forever be cemeted with the Dreamcasts legacy.


Good news: I found a job. While I don't get paid for my work, I think it's worth it: I have a job at GamerWithin, as a PS3 editor. Cain Dornan the founder of GW, I use to work with at Advanced-Gamer two years ago, finally got his site up and running in mid-2005. I left AG mostly because it was shutting down, and now meeting paths, I plan on writing for Cain once again, which I am very pleased to do. While the site has a lot of work, and features to be done-- it's always been a dream of mine to be a game editor, to write reviews. While I haven't wrote any reviews on my GS profile, I hope to do so in the future. Although not official, it's a sure bet I got the job: and hopefully my ideas will be something he will embrace. Cain is a very open-minded person, and very glad to work with him. I hope to someday launch an actual online gaming site, but if anyone of you are interested please go ahead and PM me, if you are a gifted writer, we could use the help. Cain is always looking for people who are enthusiastic about gaming, and share the same passion that people who would like to make a career out of it.

Week In Review - Volume 2

January 13th, 2007 I feel a 'Wii' bit left out Riley, OH is a small town, and let me tell you only having a few stores here, it's very hard buying a console, in fact when I picked up my PS3 December 18th, I was very surprised I got my hands on one. I thought I'd get my hands on the Wii before a PS3, but boy how have the tables turned. I will however mention, my hopes we're crushed by a bald man who arrived to the electronics department before me. It made me bicker, oh well I can wait. I have time to spare. Microsoft buying Capcom? I've thought I heard this a few years ago? Yup. I don't think it would happen, but it would certainly cause an outrage to many gamers. I know Microsoft wants to badly break into the Japanese market, but please do so by not acquiring Capcom. I don't feel like shelling out for an Xbox 360 at the current moment, until it actually catches my appeal. The games for it too me are a little overrated, with the exception of Gears of War, and Dead Rising. While you may think I am a bit fanboyish, there's just not a lot of games that appeal to me in 07 to be honest. Capcom is one of my favorite game developers, and I'd prefer them to make games for all platforms. PlayStation 3 to the Media= Lackluster It hasn't been out for even two months, and it's catching a lot of heat. Everyone is choppin' at the bit at Sony's heel and to me it's unfair, considering it hasn't been out for two months. The GS forums are overflowing with sales numbers, disappointments, complaints, well if you have a problem with it I have two suggestions: wait it out until there's a price drop, or more games to appeal to you, if not than don't buy it all. Your problem is solved. CES 2007 CES 2007 was a bit of a disappointment to me this year-- while it's cool Sony has unveiled six classic Midway games, where are some of the highly-anticipated games? Why don't you tell us what you plan on doing when the firmware update is available when the PS3 launches in Europe? Also Cisco's lawsuit against Apple to me was uncalled for. As for the iPhone, it looks pretty cool, but there's no way in hell I am going to sign up for it, if it's being offered by one carrier, and for the price, I just don't think a $500-$600 is worth my money. While you may argue I spent $600 on a PS3, well two things: I love games, and it will be a smart investment down the road. I'll stick with my T-Mobile service thank you. Xbox Well one of my fellow friends sold me his Xbox, with two controllers, and 40 games for $210, which is not a bad deal at all, as he was saving up for a PS3, and I am gladly enjoying some of the games I've missed, especially Panzer Dragoon Orta, Crimson Skies, MechAssault, and much more. Although I've been playing Crimson Skies the most-- the gameplay is amazing, and the graphics are very good even to todays standards.
Wave Race 64, Nintendo 64
Wave Race 64 is one of the N64's timeless classic, and one of the best games of all time on the N64. If you've forgotten about how fun it was to jet-ski on water, popping Wave Race 64 isn't a bad choice at all.

It Took Me Awhile To Like You...

After purchasing my PlayStation 3-- I couldn't overlook Resistance: Fall of Man, many considering it the best of the bunch from the PlayStation 3 launch. If it isn't clear to you-- I am not that big of a fan of first-person shooters, but I had nothing to lose, considering the PS3 launch lineup wasn't all that spectacular to begin with-- and to be quite honest, I was a bit skeptic at first on picking it up, but I did anyway. While it took me nearly two weeks to complete since it has found itself slipping and sliding out of my PlayStation 3, I think it's safe to say it's a great game, that combines many elements of great first-person shooters, while introducing it's own unique weapons, and visuals. The game does have a few minor drawbacks personally, and mostly that's Nathan Hale's shady character, while it took me sometime to get use to his 'no talk, all action' attitude, I was a bit dissapointed in Insomniacs inability to develope a character in Hale. Hale looks like your typical soldier, who's all guns in his appearance, but I was very dissapointed since I expected his character to be built as your further progressed through the game, but in all its glory, it did build his character through his attitude, which is pretty cool. As for Nathan Hale's weapons, I wasn't all too impressed but further progressing through the games spectacular visuals, came unique weapons. The game's assortment of weapons is staggering both human, and Chimeran weapons, such as the Hailstorm, Auger as my favorite weapons overall. On the downside, while the graphics we're very pleasing for a first-generation PlayStation 3 game, I think Insomniac could have done a better job, with the Chimera in terms of more character designs. Now as I've stated earlier, while I am not a big fan of first-person shooters although I'll play one if it looks irresistable, I was quite surprised with how the game finished, while it didn't feature a spectacular story, it delivered on a unique concept and it's atmosphere and the alter view on the world, is really impressive in its own rights. It's also worth noting the level design is spectacular and the overall atmosphere was done fairly well by Insomniac, by giving gamers a dreaded view of a ravaged and hopeless country. Through it's inconsistency staying put in my PS3, I was a bit surprised as how satisfying the game ended up being-- while it didn't live up to the billing early on for me personally, it ended up finishing strong in every way, and while I can't complain, I am very glad that I picked it up, because after you get past its graphics, you'll unravel a game that's quite unique while having similar appearance to what is found in standard first-person shooters.

Farewell Greg

I've always been an IGN guy, but I won't lie to you-- I've always checked out GameSpot, and now it's mostly what I like to call "Home". I am deepley saddened on Greg's departure from GameSpot, although not bitter-- in fact I am very happy for him to finally pursue what he always wanted-- create games. Greg was a respectable, informative, and just down to the bone-- thoughtful person when it came for his love of games, and the industry that fuels it. It's also interesting to note, that Greg has always been enthusiastic about video games, and his utter downright passion about writing them. In fact, looking at Greg I see a lot of him in me, since he's always had my respect as a game reviewer. I have read hundereds of his reviews, and thought one thing: There's not a better guy on the internet that does it better than him. Greg has also played an important role in my life, since I am a very passionate on games myself, but also writing about them, I find just as much enjoyment. To my eyes, Greg does indeed have the perfect job. It hit me a few years ago, that being a game reviewer is really what I want to do, and no matter what Greg was always pushing other people forward to pursue their passion of games-- and that's what he has done for me. I wrote for an online gaming site(Advanced-Gamer) back in 2004, while I resigned due to focusing on school work. It gave me a bit of a taste of what that job is like-- and let me tell you, I instantly fell in love with the concept. Life is always hard, and there's also a brick wall at some points when you are speeding head on-- only to find yourself insantly stopped by the immense force of the brick wall only to find out that you've just hit rock-bottom. Looking at Greg and his thrive to pursue his dream job, is an inspiration to anyone who wants to get into the games industry, and an inspiration to me. I've too been playing games all my life-- while not nearly as old as Greg, I've had a passion just as big as anyone who works in the industry. Thank you Greg, for your time at GameSpot. While I never truly chose GameSpot all these years, I occasionally came here to read your reviews, opinions, and thoughts about the industry. Your love and dedication to GameSpot will surely be missed. Thank you for doing what you did-- because if it isn't abduntantly clear-- you've done a fine job, and I'll go a bit further to stretch the truth, you've done a fine job as anyone that came before you. Good luck to your future job, and farewell.

Week In Review - Volume 1

I've decided to write my own weekly wrap up, that will be posted every Saturday of the week, where I will share my thoughts on the week, games, music, and anything else. I will also give a game recommendations along with my 'Week In Review' feature of my GameSpot blog. Xbox 360 v2 Although I've never bought a console from Microsoft, thank god I didn't get a 360 this past holiday, as rumor has it, Microsoft is set to launch a new version of the 360, dubbed 'Zephyr', or version 2 to some. As many gamers cried out, Microsoft looks to pack in a 120GB HDD, and a HDMI port, which is a slap in the face to the 10 million other gamers that bought their 360s. Now, I am sure Microsoft has something up it's sleeve-- and it's bound to happen at some point when a console manufacturer changes a consoles design or guts for cheaper manufacturing, but this is perhaps one of the most bold moves I've seen in quite awhile. Two Configurations Ok Sony, why did you have to split up user base with 20 gig and 60 gig users? I am sorry, but I thought you'd learn a lesson from your fellow competitor Microsoft. The Wii is set to change the way we play games I've mostly been a Sony gamer, but I also pick up a Nintendo console at some point in it's life-cycle, and I'll probably pick up a Wii sooner than later. After getting hands on experiece, it's truly a joy to play, and very easy for anyone to pick it up and play. Wii Sports is a great game, and I probably enjoyed tennis out of all the games packed in. Nintendo has done something special with the Wii, and I applaud them for their innovation, because I honestly was not into this whole 'Revolution' concept earlier in it's life. CES 2007 CES 2007 has been on my mind, and I'll definitely be tuning in on G4, but I am also excited to see what Sony plans on unveiling for the PlayStation 3, and if Microsoft will unveil Xbox 360 v2. I am also looking to see if Sony will demonstrate future CELL integration into TVs, desktop PCs, and of course the gadgets of 2007. Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD I pretty much have my HD player, and that's my PlayStation 3. While it is very common that high-end electronics seem to be overpriced, I won't be buying a next-generation HD player. Why would I? I just spent $600+ on my PS3. I will however say, after I revised my thoughts on the whole BD vs. HD-DVD, it's time for a new format, with the HD era finally underway, but I'll stick to my regular DVDs until HD players come down in price, but don't get me wrong, I'll get a few Blu-Ray movies to watch on my PS3.
Tekken Tag Tournament, PlayStation 2
Tekken Tag Tournament which launched along side the PlayStation 2 in 2000, still holds up as one of the best fighting games available, and in all of the Tekken series. If you haven't played a Tekken game, than Tekken Tag Tournament would be a fine choice to start the series.
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