what's up gamespot. it's been a while.i cant believe it has been over a year living in my own home and everything is going rather smoothly. i fixed only minor stuff toilet leaks replaced a window nothing too serious. however my younger twin son is starting to give me and my wife some problems.for fear of moderation i wont get into too much detail, but lets just say if he continues his course of behavior he's winding up dead or in jail. i took his 360 from him, whooped his rump, i am at my wits end w/ him.even his twin brother is fed up w/ him. i love both of them dearly and all i want is for them to succeed in life and to be better than their father. i honestly think that me and my wife did a decent job raising them, yeah i spoiled them a little esp. when they were young, they both work, practice jui-jitsu and i usually know where they are 99% of the time. dont mean too ramble guys but sometimes you have to vent and this blog is a constructive way of doing so. but i have faith that this is just a faze in his life that should soon subside. but on a brighter note, i am still playing, currently on 2nd playthrough of prototype. completed infamous, trying to reach level 60 in mass effect. really looking forward to shadow complex, ultimate alliance 2, left for dead 2, dark void, and the damn list goes on and on. anyway thanks for reading, and i hope too talk too you all soon. keep on gaming...peace:)
by PNOIDSCHIZ on Comments
for those who dont have this title ,if u own a ps3 please pick it up. in my opinion it is a well put together game, loving it. haven't been blogging much, but i am playing like crazy
gaming cribs edition
by PNOIDSCHIZ on Comments
finally showing some pics of my home, pretty proud of it. showing my gaming den, and both of my sons' room as well as my living room , porch,and my bedroom. goto my images and feel free to comment, thank you ahead of time talk to y'all later.:)
my friend aaron
by PNOIDSCHIZ on Comments
live update impressions
by PNOIDSCHIZ on Comments
gaming update/other stuff.
by PNOIDSCHIZ on Comments
Leaving for orlando for halloween horror nights tomorrow.haven't been to this event since 2005. really looking forward to it, also it will be my sons' first time8). currently playing fallout, dead space(second playthrough),completed fable 2(playing optional qusets), it 's been a while since my last update there have been a number of other titles i 've completed. currently planning to purchase: gears 2, resistance 2, left 4 dead, mortal vs dc,call of duty-wow, and prince of persia. i'm very fortunate to be employed.anyways, that's all for now talk to you later gamespotters. peace ;)
Gaming Update.
by PNOIDSCHIZ on Comments
I decided to replay assassin's creed, try to acquire more achievements. currently at 680 pts. thanks to inspiration from (ms. cortana and kingrich06) i have a number of titles i can try again to get the full 1000 pts. i just need to apply myself. also if anyone who has soulcaliber 4 for the 360/live member(s), i can help you get some achievements ex. just impacts,wall hits,etc. just link up w/ me thru email, or send it on xboxlive, my friends list is full so please message me here first. Anyways,i am enjoying castle crashers in fact i'm playing a lot of live arcade lately.also playing pub games as well,i'm not revealing my stash. i don't want microsoft to come after (me, ha-ha). that's about it. talk to you later gamespotters.
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