I have 1000 Gamerscore in 2 games. Madden 09 and Oblivion. My roommate is obsessed with Oblivion so he got almost all the achievements in that game. So I would say Madden 09 was the easiest if you are willing to play as some of the crappier teams. I had almost all the achievements in Halo 3 until it got all those new achievements, now I have a ways to go.
Me and my roommates were just talking about this the other day. I think it would be really cool if you could shoot the pilot of the helicopter like in that sniper mission when you had to assassinate that guy in CoD4. They should make it pretty hard though otherwise it would be cheap if you could just shoot in the area of the pilot and kill him. Also, It would be really cool if when the helicopter gets shot down that it could crash into the ground and and possibly kill people that get hit by it. It's kinda lame that it just dissappears without even an explosion sound when it gets shot down imo.
Character customization would be cool to.
EDIT: Whoever shoots down the helicopter or shoots the pilot should get like +10 points or something, like how you get +3 points in CoD WaW for killing a dog.
Chrono Trigger for sure! I haven't played a really big amount of RPGs but I have played some good ones. Chrono Trigger is definitly my favorite and the best RPG i have ever played.
CoD WaW for sure. The helicopter in CoD4 is way to cheap and the dogs in WaW are much more fair and cooler imo. Other factors that I don't feel like listing as well.
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