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February is going to be awesome and horrible at the same time. It will see the release of three of my most anticipated games: Dawn of War II, FEAR 2: Project Origin, and Killzone 2. All three sequels strangely enough. I'm looking forward to their releases but my wallet isn't. Oh, and Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection.

Criminal Minds

What an ending to the season. For a while I thought that the ending meant that this was the final season to the excellent TV series. I just saw something saying that Criminal Minds was renewed for another season so I'm happy that there will be more. Now I just have to figure out who just got kicked from the show....


What is going on?! My level in has gone between levels 2 and 3 about three times now. And I'm pretty sure that I hit level 2 in movietome but now I'm level 1 again. Are they just constantly shifting the levels around or something?

I's Gots me a PS3

I got a PS3 today! Walmart had a deal that if you buy the 80GB PS3 (which I was going to get anyway) you get 10 bluray movies for free. Unfortunately I didn't get to pick the movies so I go half good and half bad (I'm really disappointed that I wasn't able to get The Last Samurai or 300). I'm going to try and sell the five I don't like (Mr. Brooks, Surf's Up, Santa Claus 3, The Invisible, and Badder Santa). So far I only have Motorstorm because it came with the PS3 but I will probably buy Assassin's Creed once I get home again for Christmas Break and hope for Uncharted Drake's Fortune and Ratchet & Clank Future.

Moola is an by invite only site in which the site gives the player one penny at the beginning for watching an advertisement. The player is then able to bet their money against other players allowing them to be able to double their money after each game. After you get $10 you can cash out (or you can keep going). If anyone wants to join here is my invite address: Check it out before you sign up. The site makes its money off of advertisements so before every game you have to watch an ad, sometimes you have to answer a question about it to make sure that you were paying attention.

Union Activity

My activity on gamespot is really starting to slow down so my activity in the unions will either slow down to a trickle or stop altogether (if this hasn't been noticed already).

Union Clean Up

I've decided that I am in too many unions. I post regularly in a little over half of them. I have kept all of the unions that I am leader or officer in because those are the ones I am normally active in. Though there are one or two unions that I might resign in soon if activity doesn't start up soon. I've also recently resigned from a union that I was officer in due to the complete lack of activity from anyone but me.

I will be resigning from most of the unions that I am not currently active in.

Spiderman 4

As far as I have heard the directors wish to make a Spiderman 4.  Of course the two main actors' contracts expire after the third movie.  Hopefully they will stay around for one more and we can see some of this...

Public Blog

OK, I was wondering if I should open up my blog so that everyone can see it not just the people I have added as friends.  Before I ask if I should open it up completely, is there any way to open up certain posts to the public but keep others hidden for friends only?If not, should I open up my blog posts for everyone to see?  If I do I will probably delete my first two.
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