i have both a psp 1000 and Ds phat and i love them both, but i play my PSP way more. i can do so much stuff with my psp. i love to just game on it. i have an 80 gb ipod classic so i use my psp for gaming only. i love getting my fav psx game(spyro!) on it. the best system
PSPplayer988's forum posts
that sucks. send it back. i have my DS phat for close to 5 years and i have never had a problem with it
I think the main reason they did not port over the game and had it put on xbox is because the games main focus is online multiplayer. The Xbozx has a WAY better online community then the PS#. its alot more stable to.
not all tvs have compnent out some of the older ones dont thats why you need rf switchesWhat kind of tv doesn't have component inputs (rgb,wr)? I am sure they are on your tv somewhere, maybe on the back. Component cables support high definition.
im surprised that no one has said this yet. full 3D batles. I know the DS isnt a graphics powerhouse but they pulled it of with pokemonj stadium and idk about you but i think as long as the gameplay is good graphics take a back seat for me. idk thats just me but alot of the other things people have said are good. i like the other regains thing that was fun in GSC. New game with new story new pokemon or old pokemon(251 cuz a like the GSC pokemon alot too) in a new regain that would be cool.
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