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PStringa Blog

Going to keep this up-to-date - I promise!

So, people that do actually read this blog will notice that it doesn't get updated that often. This is quite simply because I don't really like blogging, also however because I have been really busy recently with University and getting my studies on track etc.

From now on I'm going to keep it relatively up-to-date thus meaning I won't be on the ball all the time but I won't be leaving it for as long as I have been doing. So just to get you all up-to-scratch:


1. I'm really excited about Far Cry 2 (pre-ordered it).

2. Pretty sure im going to pre-order LittleBigPlanet as well.

3. Fallout 3 is then the next game I will probably get

4. Then it's Call of Duty: World at War.

I know this is a pretty extensive list and I won't be able to play them all at the same time but meh. I also plan to get SOCOM and when I have some spare cash maybe delve into Saints Row 2 which I actually pre-ordered as well but decided not to buy.

Life in General

If your interested Im am currently studying on a BHs Hons Computing degree at Uni and so have lot's of programming and maths work to do (yay!):roll:. I have also moved away from home and things have been a bit crazy just recently so that is why it's not really been update (I did mention all this briefly earlier). Other than that not much is going on and so on that note i'll leave you with a list of blog entries that are on the horizon.

Whats to Come?!

Well firstly i'll be reviewing all the games I listed above (so that just take some time! :P) which will also obviously come with my rating. I may also add a few entries about my course at Uni because I simply find it interesting and would like to share it with you all...

...and thats all for now, thanks for reading guys!

My Birthday and off on My Jollies!

Okay I know I haven't posted in a while and this is mainly due to the fact I've been extremely busy recently with University preparations and getting ready for my holiday. Also if you followed the first few of my blog you'll be familiar with the fact that I hate writing these things simply because I'm not very good at them and also because I struggle to see the point in them...

So yeah as I mentioned earlier I'm off on my hols to sunny Majorca on Thursday. Can't wait to get out of this place and relax for 2 weeks! Lots of partying too of course.My birthday as well tomorrow so after work tonight it's all good! After my hols I will probably be much more active so look out for some reviews and other updates.

Happy holidays guys!

MSG4 Clans!, Assassins Creed!

Okay here's another update! I've just written a review for Assassins Creed, so check that out, as well as completing about 90% of a Clan Management System I've been working on. It's a simply program I've created to help people unable to set up websites etc. keep track of a clan they have created. Although it's not extreamly professional it works great and if anyone's interested in it let me know! Below is a link to a few screenshots

Thanks for reading!

My Reviews!

Okay so now I've finished a rather more detailed and extensive review of GTA IV. It's abit late I know but I've decided to plow through reviewing all the games I own before I start reviewing new games, it may take a while but at least everything will be sorted by then. I'm also going to start review music album's in this blog because I love music, would struggle to live without it to be honest - anyways I'm into Independent Hip-Hop and Rap. The real stuff non of this commercial crap like 50 Cent etc. However saying that I do have a good few fave's who are commercial such as Nas, T.I, Lupe Fiasco Lil Wayne. If your not into this sort of music then these parts of my blog may become very boring but I won't be doing them that often so do stay tuned!

I was planning on reviewing MGS4 next but as this is my favourite and most recent game I want to do a good job with it and so am going to leave it for a while and get through the rest of my collection. COD4:MW is a spectacular game and I have played that to problematic lengths and as the hype about the next installment (World at War) I will most likely be reviewing that next.

Again as always thanks for reading and keep checking back!

Up to Speed!

Okay after my first TERRIBLE blog post which to be honest I didn't put much effort into, I decided to post another to bring everyone up to speed with my ideas. Bascially I created this Gamespot account a while ago and never filled it in or used it properly. However recently I have been using the site a lot to find out about upcoming games for my PS3 and to check out reviews of games im interested in. So with that and the fact I like things to be complete, i've decided to contribute to the community!

Yesterday I wrote a short review for Lair on the PS3 and have attempted to add all the games I own (for the PS3 only because I'd be here for months otherwise) to My Games and have rated each of them. I intend to review a few of these, when I get chance and will be post much more in the forums. Basically from now on im becoming much more involved with the site to see if I can get to grips with the reasons people do this kind of thing.

Again thanks for reading and check back for my updates!

First Ever Blog

Well I've finally started a blog, don't really know why because I can't stand them to be completely honest and don't understand the fuss. So that is why I suppose, I believe you need to try something before you completely dismiss it and so, Welcome to my first ever blog!

This feels a tiny bit wierd to be honest because I don't understand why anyone else, who doesn't have a clue who I am would want to know about the things im writing - so if your reading this, maybe send me a message explaining what it is you like about these things, thanks.

Don't really no what to write, hopefully i'll get better soon, cya.

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