Yeap! folding@home make me feel like im helpin at something good, maybe in 3 or 4 years we will b glad tah twe had this program and console, what about if they find cure or more advanced treathments for diseases thanks to the ps3, to much hate towards sony, but they are doin something good to help others usin their product, "ps3"
Ps3 is more than a gaming machine, SONY was rigthm it a supercomputer, it think faster and does more tasks at the same time.
Yeah, we probably dont have that many games, or we r loosin esclusives, but we are helpin to cure something, just remeber in 3 or 5 years, when they find cure or new medicine to treath this diseases, PS3 OWNERS HELPED TO MAKE LIFE FOR OTHERs BETTER, so much hate to sony, but ps3 its the key to improve medicine.
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