I'll use both depending on the game. However, I do prefer gamepads with analog sticks for a couple reasons. Touch sensitive control and variable movement speed controls.
Sure it is definately easier to aim with a mouse, but is it really more realistic or intuitive than a gamepad? With a gamepad it actually feels more like I'm lifting and moving a gun around rather than just lightly moving my wrist from side to side. I will definately agree that a mouse is more precise, but unless I'm playing multiplayer with other mouse users I don't need to artificially increase my skill level.
Also, for an FPS with platforming elements a joystiq is much more precise and offers a much larger range of movement than a keyboard. With a keyboard I'm either going up, down, left, right or a combination of each with absolutely no controll over acceleration. It doesn't matter how hard I slam on the keys, it's either on or off, 1 or 0.
Of course there are certain games that a suited to the mouse such as RTS and certain RPGS and MMORPGs. So while I would agree that KB/M makes it easier to aim in FPS games, it does not leave me feeling more in control. An analogy: Turning cheats on makes the game easier for me, but it doesn't necessarily make the game more fun or rewarding to play.
In the end it's all very subjective, with both control schemes having their own specific uses.
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