i now have a livejournal and here's the site!!
it has some dean/sam wincest slash but thats all hidden ...so yeah come visit meeeee :D
i now have a livejournal and here's the site!!
it has some dean/sam wincest slash but thats all hidden ...so yeah come visit meeeee :D
im back from holz!! back to school and assignments and stress !
im not going to be doing a blog entry on all hell breaks loose part 1/2 yet .. i will get around to it eventually lol
i have now made a livejournal account .. its not really working yet so i wont giv the link away :) its a work in progress
oh my gosh ... guess what! im in forster nsw!since its school holidays me and my family (god i sound like stitch lol) are going on a holiday around NSW, first to forster, then to sydney, then to the blue mountains (hopefully ill get to see snow!!) its gonna last 2 weeks...how cool is that?!?!
this is where im staying now .. http://www.sevan.com.au/ its really cool...we are on the eighth floor..the apartments are so spacious ... its cool
i CANNOT WAIT FOR ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE PART 1 tomorrow!! im gettin all exceited (squee)
Happi (early) birthday to mi bestie Amy .. we had a party on saturday night it was cool...i had to drink coke whilst holding my nose (its really difficult!) and we did NON-alcoholic (cause we are only 15/16) jelly shots...i was the bestest :D
well ill probably add another blog tuesday for supernatural .. until then stay cool!
oh...my..gosh was my first thought to this awesome episode of supernatural!!!!! {Spoilers for what is and what should never be ep 2:20}
this episode was so sad...i cried twice lol That djinn thing was freaky looking!! (greatjob makeup people!!) Ok, so the ep is basically about what Dean's life would have been if the fire never happened and their mum never died.. it didnt relli suprise me that dean had led a shady life...gambling, owed people money..but he had a GF! and she was so pretty!!
When dean goes to his childhood home his mother (Mary) answers the door...dean looked so shocked it was an aww moment right there!! after they greet he goes inside to find pics of him n sammy n mary n john growing up (sooo cute pics) and then mary tells dean that john died .. but from a stroke (another aww moment) DEAN MOWS THE LAWN! that was possibly the funiest thing i have ever ever seen...he looked so "white picket fence" it was weird...
after that Sam drives up in a rental car WITH JESSICA! (yay she's alive) and they talk for a bit and sam explains that he's going to be a lawyer and that he lives in california and only came up for Mary's birthday (which Dean forgot about/didnt know) they go out to dinner..dean see's this young,dead, woman (which he has been seeing for awhile now) and yeh
Deandecides to go bak to the placewhere the djinn attackedhim after he finds out that him n Sam dont talk, and arent close anymore, when he turns on the TV its the annerversiry of the plane crash that dean n sam had prevented (phantom traveller) dean looks up on theinternet and realises that all the people the winchestershad saved were all dead. he gets in the car andSam insists on coming with him, the get there and sam (has no idea how tob quiet) lol and theyalmost get caught. Dean realises that its just in his head& after some stalling sticks a knife in his heart. bck to reality Sam has found him and is trying to wake him up,he succeeds and pulls dean down. ofcourse the djinnpicks that moment to attack them, and after a short struggle dean kills it.
this part was the biggest aww moment in the whole ep (in my opinion) >>
"I know," Dean says before confessing, "But I wanted to stay. I wanted to stay so bad. I mean, ever since Dad...all I can think about is how much this job's cost us. We've lost so much. And we've sacrificed so much." The raw emotion and utter heartbreak on Dean's face is too much for Sam who argues, "But people are alive because of you. It's worth it, Dean. It is. It's not fair, and, you know, it hurts like hell, but it's worth it."
Dean lifts doubtful eyes and rests them on his brother. And the screen fades to black.
now for some pictures!! (i should hav made them smaller...but im lazy :) )
Dean waking up in the alternate universe.. ( squee no shirt)
Sam hanging up on dean cause he thinks he is drunk
Dean with his mum aww
family pictures... (i wonder if thats actually Jared in that pic... cause we all kno thats jensen)
Dean waving to a neighbour while MOWING THE LAWN (and yes that still cracks me up...lol)
Dean mowing the lawn ...priceless
Dean telling AU!sam to shut up or the djinn will find them oohh
Dean holding a knife, realising that if he kills himself he might wake up
Dean after waking up in the real world.. aww he looks so beaten up and drowsy :(
Sam listening to dean talking (see quote for what they r talking about)
Dean talking to Sam (see quote for what they r talking bout) another dose of teary/crying!dean :(
been wanting to do this post for 4 dayz..but been busy with block exams (ooh i wanna hunt down who ever thought of those evil things) and general school stuff..but better late than never!!
This post contains spoilers for falsom prison blues.. 2:19 :o
ohh myyyy goshhhhh firstly i loved Sam and Dean in those uniforms!! not so many layers for once!!! woot they looked so dam hot
i loved the first scene in the jail when they are assigned their cells...the looks on their faces were sopriceless!! poor Sammy with his cell mate staring at him funny :( and here's a quote! Dean: My roommate didn't say much, how's yours?
Sam: Just keeps staring at me... in a way that makes me really uneasy.
Dean: Sounds like you're making new friends.((poor sammy wit a creepy cell mate))
&&here is another quote..cause it deserves a space in this entry cause of its awsomeness!! Sam: (about being in jail) Dean, this is without a doubt the dumbest, craziest thing we've ever done. And that's in a long storied career of dumb and crazy.
Dean: Calm down. It's all part of the plan.
Sam: So Hendrickson showing up was part of the plan?
Dean: Yeah, the guy moves a little faster than I thought. All we gotta do is find the ghost, put the sucker down, and then grab ourselves a couple of those tear drop tattoos. (omg imagine dean n sam with tattoos!! ahh weird! ...yet so hot lol)
and hereare some pics of Sam and Dean in prison uniforms...i alwayz loved a man in uniform!! squee!!!
^^ aww scared wide eyed dean ^^
^^ laughing dean^^ i love that smile lol
^^ guh! such green eyes and is that...omg it is ..freckles!! ^^
^^and last but not least:D impala love :D^^
^^ ok so 1 more..i saw this pic and could not resist...dean looks so like zoned out in this pic ^^
[[Pictures from supernatural.tv]]
i was meaning to do a post on this earlier! but never got around to it :)
i saw pirates of the caribbean the day it came out in the cinema in Australia (HA! aussie's got it b4 u americans mwahahahaha lol) i saw it with my bestie n her sis and omg it was sooo good...spoilers if you havnt seen pirates of the caribbean (potc) at worlds end!
Omg Orlando bloom looks so hot at the end of the movie…with the black n the scar (squee)
so here's a pic :o
aww but i was crying when he was stabbed and died!! well sorta cause now hes the new davy jones and he only gets to see elizabeth once every 10 yrs for a day! (now thats harsh) but his daddy is one of his crew..which is cool..and he gives his heart (cause ya kno it got cut out by his father to save him..) to elizabeth. will married elizabeth on a boat...whilst fighting...it was so funny and barbosa was the person who married them (i dunno the correct terms) all in all it was a really good movie (even though it goes for lyk almost 3hrs) and would recommend it to any1 who likes pirates of the caribbean movies :)
(ill put the pictures on a new post cause i hav to go :o )
i cannot believe it...i really cannot believe it
i trusted someone...with all my f*ckin secrets..and he...he just told all his friends im so angry at him at the moment AHHHHH why would someone do that..betray my trust spill all my secrets to all his friends why the f*ck!
i just found out (talkin to a friend) that my other friend..we'll call him bob told everyone about the stuff i told him (and some of it was real personal) i thought we we're friends...im just real upset now and the person who told me that bob said all the stuff told me not to tell bob or he'll get his a*s kicked im just i dunno what to do!
OMG I SAW HEART LAST NITE (im a aussie) poor sammy... spoilers if you havnt seen heart...
i cant believe that Sammy had to shoot her :( he luved her.. [woot woo tho on sam finallyyy getting laid!! lol that scene was so hot and omg Jared is so ripped...he needs to wear tight clothes more often!!] anyway... The single tear that ran down Dean's face just b4 sam shot that woman (ok i couldnt find a pic with the tear..so this is close enough >
awww i was lyk full on bawling (which doesnt happen to me that often!) ....some of the quotes in this ep were so like aww moments
Madison: Sam, I'm a monster.
Sam: No, I'm gonna save you.
Madison: You tried. I know you tried.
...and others were pure snark
Dean: Awesome!
Sam: Dean, could you be a bigger geek about this?
Dean: I'm sorry, man, but what about a human-by-day, freak-animal-killing-machine-by-moonlight do you not understand? I mean, werewolves are bad-ass. We haven't seen one since we were kids!
Sam: Ok, Sparky! And you know what? After we kill it, we can go to Disneyland!
i love that quote...hehe SPARKY lol
now im sad :( i need a happy picture to cheer me up...i kno a pic of sam gettin it on wit that chick! lol
and another lol
thats all for now!
ok, so iv decided to do this thing...ill post pics of different people/themes/tv shows/movies every 4,5 days and youuu guys get to pick the person/tv show/movie/theme :)
But since today im just trying to get this going ill pick the thing :D i pick ... Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki (cause i already hav tons of pics :D)
yes i need to work on the sizeing...but o well Next Pic
And last pic ..
ok..if you like my idea of the themed pics please comment :) it keeps the Padackles muse happy!
hey people, how do you add pics to your blog,.. i cant do it :(
anybody that could help, please!! i hav photo's that i wanna upload!! badly!!
lol thanx alot peoplez
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