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PadacklesGirl Blog

Jensen ackles

  hey hey hey. . .

HOUSES OF THE HOLY - this was a pretty good ep, aww for emotional!dean and religious!sam!!!        i loved the whole :

Dean looks longingly at the Magic Fingers coin box. Sam enters with food.
Dean: (Urgently) Did you bring quarters?
Sam: Dude, I'm not enabling your sick habit. You're like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies.
Dean: What are you talking about? I eat.

 now that is funny!! the look on his face at the start of the ep..omg so hot!!  and:

Dean: What's next, you're going to start praying everyday?
Sam: I do pray.
Dean: What?
Sam: I do pray everyday, I have for a while.
Dean: Things you learn about a guy.

religious!sam  wow...thats's was a very aww... moment


and this has been bugging me for ages.....


i read somewhere that he does and im not sure...

well im off to ave meatballs for dinner!!  YUMMMMMYYYYY i love meatballs..

until next time ill leave you with one last quote...this time from Hell House (1 of my fav's)

Dean: What's the matter, Sammy? You afraid you gonna get a little Nair in your shampoo again, huh?
Sam: All right. Just remember you started it.
Dean: Oh, bring it on, baldy.



First day back term 2

well it was my first day back today at CCC and gosh getting up at 6:30 AGAIN for a 7:45 start absolutly killed me. walking to school at 7 in the morning, thank god for ipods...somethin to keep me awake lol

i had math today..woopie NOT ...but the lesson wasnt that bad and i got to perve on my crush lol well for lyk 5min cause he wagged the math test..he's a badass  lol jks he really isnt

i got back my legal studies results!! im so proud with an: A-, C, C-, and b+    yay me i passed  :D :D  :D

and o yes english, well wasnt that peachy im a loner in english  :( i hav no friends in that particular lesson..but we watched mean girls so it didnt really matter LOL

and my best friend, introduced me to a new girl and yeah i dont like her very much..she's very b***hy and snobby..but yeah thats just me 

tune in next time for........MY LIFE!!  lol 

p.s. Jensen n jared r hot

omg im so annoyed

i was talking to my couzin Donna right, and yeah she lives in sydney so we only talk ova the net and im playin truth (lyk truth or dare, but without the dare) and all of a sudden she blurts out that she's preganant!!! SHE'S 15 MIND YOU and im in shock, so i start askin lyk whos the father and when did u find out and all of a sudden she starts laughin, it was all a joke!!!  I AM SO MAD, GRRRR YOU DONT JOKE ABOUT STUFF LYK THAT especially when she already has mental problems (not joking, she punched her mum in the face twice!! and tried to strangle her!!) i am so furious with her now, mayb its just me bein uptight, but the way she 'typed' it sounded so sincere and i was scared for her, theres some1 at my school who has a kid and she's only 16 i was just so worried for her.

what do you think? did i overreact or was i right in my judgement?

ok, im calm now..**takes deep breath's**

ok im off to wash up (at 9:30 at night :?)

Lots of Topics in This blog post...

i am now i very proud member of SFU ...still getting used to the time-zones tho...that gets mighty annoying but ill get used to it

ahhhh back to school in 3 dayz!!  NOOOOO lol i love havin time off (god bless Easter) :D

i really hate my study of society class...the teacher's awesome but the stuff we do is like woosh straight over my head and i dont know anybody :cry: im a loner!!  lol spose its better that way..i dont talk as much :D

**Has anybody seen Disturbia!! if you hav can you tell what its like cause i really wanna see it but iv heard its a rip-off from another old movie**

Level is back!!

yay my level is back...ok mini-crisis averted!!!


i cant wait for supernatural to come back on! the next ep is Nightshifter and sqeee another shapeshifter!! i love shapeshifter!Dean   && this time i hope there is shapeshifter!Sam... cause yeah that would be hot


feel free to comment...because comments are love :D

just no spoilers aussie's are sick of um!!



NOOOOOOO   i worked so hard to get to 60% done of level its gone!!!!!!!!!!!!



this sucks...but o well its not anyone's fault..i dont blame anyone

but if anyoe can offer some advice then id be more than happy to listen


thanx all...

easter holidayz

im so glad that we get these 10 days off at easter..just to get away from all the assignments and essays and orals and classes and just school in general  lol

when people ask me what i did over easter....ill tell them i built a bbq!!  yep thats right me n my dad built a bbq..and it actually worked!! after a few small hiccups :D   it was great

 i wanna go to america...they hav all the greatest tv shows and you dont have to wait for ages to see them cause they arent delayed like they are in australia!!


so yeah im hyped up on chocolate from easter and i just lke to say that i love this site with all its valuable information and pictures and forums and if this is aloud (and if its not ill cheerfully take it down) if any1 has MSN messenger id love to chat -


so yeah happy easter from us aussies!!

SPN in Australia

hey people

 they really need to catch us Aussie's up in supernatural!! i mean we are like approx 9ep's behind..its ridiculeus everywhere we go on the net its just spoilers gallore!!


i think all aussie supernatural fans will agree...we need to be caught up!!


p.s. Jensen and Jared are hott 

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