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Padawon2 Blog

Basketball fight!

Well I was playing some B-ball right? Well this dude would not stop running into me even if I didn't have the ball! I avoided him alot of times but he just wouldn't leave me alone. I get the thought he was trying to rape me! I told him to back off so he goes on my other team mate and walks up behind him and touches him. I was like ''I DID NOT Just see that happen'' Well I start to get a little angry he started to come back to me! I threw the Basketball at him and hit him in his nose. I was trying to pass it to my other teammate he gets up and says he is ok. He approches me again, but before I did anything my teammate punched him in the jaw, and said don't touch me again! So he gets mad at me because I didn't do anything about it after I saw him do mess like that I didn't want to punch him!!! But I won't be hold back if he does that mess again!


I had 600 posts 10 minutes ago, I went to the LSU, and the MNU and had over 650.

My Halo 2!

Freakit!! I can't get it to work! Oh my goodness! My brother couldn't have done it becuase he likes the game too! God! I need Sherlock Holmes! I can't buy another one! I'm saving for stuff! I want to get the Revolution! (Wii) And I'm saving for XBL (Yes I'm a little late) I couldn't buy another or my savings would drop by $30.00! God this sucks! School isn't any better! (And thats new how?) I can't stand exams! They make me fail! And Saturday is pretty boring! I pretty much just typed all morning! God 2 weeks feals like 2 years does it not!!!!?!! I told my brother that I would decide what to do with Halo 2 later. But for now I'll probably just it and type some more like I'm doing now!!

Just some updates about my life

Well, about 15 minutes ago I was playing Delta Halo my favorite level. When beep! Cannot read disk! I was like WTF!? I didn't even know what happened! I took out my Halo 2 disk and . . . it was screwed up! I don't who or why the hell someone did that, I love that game and would not do anything to harm it! (Stay away dammit) I haven't seen Lisa in a while, so it couldn't have been her, besides she is not into all the payback business. My brother is my My number 1suspect, for 3 reasons

1. I own him alot

2. I own him alot

and 3. I own him alot!

Dude! I've been burned!

Holy God! This is terrible! This is sorta like my friend's (Grigrog) problem! Lisa some of yo might know she is my girl friend some may not. I was pwning my little brother on system link she just comes in asking me questions like Why is the milk not bought, or what the hell did you do with my avatars, whole bunch of sh!t like that. So I was like Yeah I'll get right on that. But she says OH NO! Not this time! I'm leaving for a while see ya Gary! I was like. . . what? My brother laughed as he assasinated me when I wasn't looking! I was really fealing stupid!

Month Udates

Well April is gone, May is here, my favorite month because we get out of school! Well here were my favorite things about Arpil!

1. We didn't lose any of out baseball games

2. Arpil is over!

3. May is here!

4. I got my winning streak back! 30-0!

5. My Rocket Launcher skills have gone up!

I'm completely bored.

Well, the only thing I can do about it is talk to you guys. My brother is 4 so no reason to do anything with him, my other bro. is 13 but is at Baseball practice. My sister is a pain in the neck. Halo 2 is getting hopelessly losing its worth to me. I'm hoping to get XBL hooked up by tomorrow.


WTF?! I bought XBL just now, and I guess I hooked it up right, but my com. isn't the router?! I think its my sisters.