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Pageant_Pretty Blog

skipped 4 levals

Hey !! OMG wanna here something cool !?!?! I skiped 4 leavls and i dont even know how !! I started out on the like a day ago i was on leaval 3 then i log back in and i am on leval 5 then right now i logg in and i am on leaval 8 !! I didnt even submit anything i just changed my icon and talked on forms i know its amazing right lol . K thats all i had to tell you guys about !! BYE !!

Peace luv party !!


Why doesnt anyone coment on my blogs anymore ??

Hey !! Ummmm i have a question why isnt anyone comenting on my blogs anymore ???? I work so hard on telling you guys whats going on in my life and it takes me almost an hour to write some blogs but sitll no coments :cry: . I really wanna have friends on here that actully talk to me mabey i should try to meet some new ones because the ones i have now dont even talk to me :cry:

Peace luv party


OMFG FUNNEST DAY EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *caps Because it was so fun *

ok it all started today at 6 oclock in the morning yesterday . So me and  4 of my friends Danielle ,Karlghi , Stephinie, and Kristin decided we were going to have like a huge party that night  . So we tell my mom were going to have a party and asked her if she can bring us to school late so we can like look extra hot and have to invitations like great !! So she agreed to bring us 3 hours late . So we did are hair , make up , spary tan , and relized we had NOTHING to wear but at this point it was only  like 7;30 and the mall didnt open till 8 . So we did the invatations while we waited .Once it was 8:00 my mom drove us to the mall and we picked out cute but casual outfits .

my shirt  i wore  my shorts i wore

that was the outfit i wore . Anyway when we got to school we started to go up to people and be like "Hey !!! Come to are party tonight it going to be soooooo much fun luv ya ! " and stuff like that .By the end of the day everyone was like all excited for my party !!! So then when i got home i rembered that we still need out fits of the party !!! Thank god we had a " wear shorts " party or i would have never gotten an outfit because i own every skirt in the world lol .

my party shirt !! my part shorts !! 

Thats was the outfit i wore to the party !! We had the best time everyone had a lot of fun lol it was the BEST day ever !!!! PS: Dont be like omg your spoild or your a brat cuz like i am not !!


- Arianna


PSS:  I also got this cute avarar for my icon thingy i found in on iconator on the 18th page when you type in Abercrombie tell me if you like !! avatar

Random pictures !!

Heyy !!! I havent writen a blog in a long time since i have nothing new going on it my life just the same old drama lol . So since i have nothing to say heres some picture !!!

Laguna Beach !!! Cutest picture EVER !!

Laguna beach 2

laguna 3

Kristin !

LB 4

lb 5



i know alot of laguna lol bye !!

peace luv party

-arianna !!




Problems HELP !

Hi . I am pretty upset right now . Your probly like oh no more friend drama or somthing but no this time it's my mom that is makeing me upset . She like always critisisses me . Like to day shes like o sweety your looking pale time to get a tan and she always tells me what to eat like she doesnt care what my sister eats but she makes me seprate meals , And i am not fat i only weigh 70 pounds !! But she says i have to be skinny for pageants . But She makes me fat ! I keep telling myself i am not fat but idk if i am . Is 70 pounds fat for a 14 yearold that is 5'1 ??? Idk is my mom crazy or is it me that is ????

I can write in color !

OMG !! YAY !!!! I can write in color !!! I am always going to write in this color from no on . I will write in this on blogs forms anywere on this is what i am writeing in !! Do you like the color ?Because i want to make sure people like it before i always use it .

Peace luv party !!!

- Airy !

Funny thingy

Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?No i haven't but one time i stuck my finger in a light socket thingy OUCH !

Ever made a prank phone call? Course, ALL the time me and my friends love to call weird people and be like " your sexy "

Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?I HATE tomato's so no

Ever thrown up in public?  Yes . This is embarrassing to say i used to be bulimic like 3 years ago and i panicked because their was no bathroom around so i just threw up on the bus .......... But i sware i am not anymore i relized how bad it is .

Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes !!

Did you have long hair as a child?  Yea i am a girl i have Had long hair my hole life

Most embarrassing song in your mp3 player?not really but the most song i get commented on  when people listen to my ipod is Boom Boom Boom Boom

Do you trust people easily? yea because in my school they know not to do anything or i will ruin them

Have you ever been in a mosh pit?omg YEA !

Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? i like the right side

Do you have a good luck charm?yea its a bracelet my booyfriend gave me

First thought when your alarm goes off? " How am i going to make myself the sexiest person in school today ? "

Are your parents still together? No :'( . But my dad lives next door and my parents are still friends

Which would you choose???

Bungee jumping or sky diving? NONE ! I hate heights !

Chips or popcorn?popcron

Orange juice or apple juice?I apsolutly hate BOTH !! Apple jeice reminds me of pee and i hate pulp in orange juice

Being a millionaire or finding true love? True love i can earn money if i want but i need a lover !

Pepsi Or Coke? Coke !

Chocolate Or Vanilla? Vanilla

Day Or Night? night lots more fun ! ;)

Hamburger Or Hot Dog? hot dog !

Hugs Or Kisses? Kisses !!!

Pool or Hot tub? Both i can choose i love my hot tub but i love my pool !

Saved by the Bell or California dreams? Whats that ?

Hide and seek or Marco polo?Hide and seek me and my boyfriend make out while people try to find us lol .

What side of the heart do you draw first? Right

Can you dive without plugging your nose? no

Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song? yes and i am proud of that !

What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?freak i am castorphobic i would probly pass out after 2 mintues

Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings?ummm what ?

Do you know the words to "total eclipse of the heart"?ummm what agian ?

Are you an adult? No, I am 14 !

Do you have a tan? YES !!! All diferant kids i tan out side i tan in a bed i spray tan !! I LOVE TO TAN !!!!!!! OMFG I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!

What are your plans for the weekend?Going out with my boyfriend tonight . Then tomrow going to my friend Ashlin's house to say good bye because she's moving then other stuff that would take to long to name .

Abulance = embarsement

Ok well i had a little acident in school today . It was gym 2nd period  and we were playing kickball outsdie and i am a pretty good kickball player . So the best kid is up and he kicks the ball i go running after the ball so i like dove for it and when i caught it it hit my arm and i landed on my wrist . So i get up acting like it doesn't hurt but it did so then my boyfriend came pver like 2 seconds after that happend and he's like HOLY carp you have to go to the hospital and i like refused but he was like your gonna  die so i told the gym teacher that i heart my arm and so he called 911 and an ambulance came and when i got their they gave me x-rays and i broke my wrist so now i have to get this ugly cast on my my arm tomrow because my arm was to slowen today to get it on . It sucks i know g2g bye !!! PS: this is Danielle typeing for Arianna but she told me what to say .

Peace Luv Party !!

- Arianna / Danielle

Funnest day EVER !!!

Ok i had the funnest day ever today !!! Ok first me My best friend Danielle her boyfriend Gage his twin bro my boyfriend Talan all went to breakfast . I don't like breakfast so i didn't eat but Talan and Gage ate like everything on the menu . But my friends are concerned about the way i eat but i don't have a problem i just have to stay skinny for my pageants . Then after that we went to the beach from like 11:00 am till 2:00 me and Danielle tanned and Gage and Talan did all the weird stuff they do lol . After the beach we all went home to get dressed and we went to the mall with a lot more people it was Me Danielle Gage Talan my friend Karlghy her boyfriend Riley and my 2 friends Jessie and Casey . I bought new Roxy sneakers and i got 3 pairs or shorts from Abercrombie and 3 shirts from Hollister and some underwear from Victoria secrets . When we got home at around 5:30 we all jumped in my pool and swam till like 10 minutes ago . So now everyone is going home to get dressed and were going to a party at my friends house . G2G Danielle is making me get off the computer because we have to curl are hair bye !!!


Peace Luv party !!!

 - Arianna


Ps: i changed my little saying to Peace Luv Party lol

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