Danielle- She is my BEST friend EVER !!!!!!! She looks kinda like me she has platinum blond hair and blue eyes the only difference is she is 1 inch taller them me . Together me and her rule the school ! We have been best friends since we were like 3 we met and at a pageant because we were getting spray tanned at the same time and ever since we have been best friends . She is in EVERY single one of my classes and trust me when were in a class together the class CAN'Tbe boring ! She always starts trends . We are incredible !! She is my next door nabore she moved next to me when she was 5 . She is with me proably 24 hours a day . We always have the best party's . Are boyfriends are twins mine is Talan and hers is Gage it's sometimes confusing because their identical but I think Talan is a little hotter then Gage . In school everyone knows that were best friends and everyone knows that what ever they do isn't going to break are friend ship ! We have NEVER gotten into a fight because were so much a like !!! Some of the things we get are self into is stuff nobody could think of !!! We also do a lot of crazy things like making out with a dog and pretending to be famous in the food store . On the bus we sing as loud as we can actually she has a very good voice . Everyone swares we are actually twins separated at birth . Idk witch one is more popular me or her but i think we both are the most popular . Her favorite color is pink her favorite movie is Legally blonde . Her favorite clothes to wear are Abercrombie Hollister and Juicy Couture just like me !!! She stopped doing pageants when she was 11 because we would do the same ones and one of us would win and it was uslay me and she would get upset . I know this blog is random about my friend but she wanted you guys to know about her lol . g2g Danielle is knocking on the door lol !!
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