Paragon_'s forum posts
I like Donuts but they're so bad for you.-Kirbyangel-
That's why you eat them in the morning, so you metabolize them all day, and then you go run it all off in the evening.
The reason I ask is because I stopped to get some donuts after my 8 o'clock this morning, and I haven't had them in like 2 years. I was reminded how f'ing amazing they are. More people should eat donuts. They would be happier.
I have a deep, passionate hate for Hillary and her it saddens me she does stand a good chance. People in America are reactionary and retrospective voters, generally. They vote according to what has happened, and they associate the groups who participated in such events with those events. That means the republican party is automatically at a disadvantage, because Bush has a low approval rating, and the republican candidates are going to have to seriouslydistance themselves from him.
However, Hillary has no experience at all, and I think that can be exploited. Once we get into the general election, she will be a lot more vulnerable than she is now. She can't handle herself in realdebates, as we saw the other night, and experienced politicians like Giuliani will tear her apart once they don't have to worry about winning their primary anymore. Her constant flip flopping is also going to be exploited, as well as her stance on taxes. Once we move to the general election and she isn't debating among people who mostly agree with her, the republican nominee will be able to point out to voters the massive downfalls of her socialist policies, and I think American voters will be intelligent enough to vote against her if that is done right. I don't think she will win.
Ok, it wasn't $400 exactly. It was $398.82. But still, I don't even know how how this happened, that is about 10% of my annual income after all taxes have been taken out of my weekly check. I'm a struggling college student just trying to pass my classes and that $400 put me into debt to which I am still paying off. I fkin hate bush. MotherSuperior
Wow. You are aware that Bush cut taxes right? You should be blaming the democrats in Congress who wouldn't let him cut taxes even more. You should blame the democrats in Congress when they elect not to renew those tax cuts, and you should blame them yet again when they decide to actually raise your taxes even higher in the name of government spending for the common good. Then you can blame the next democratic president when that 400 bucks you paid goes up to 600 because you're getting "free" healthcare. Seriously...don't blame Bush for your tax problems. That's one of the few things he has done right.
[QUOTE="Paragon_"][QUOTE="Ninja_Dog"]Everyone here saying "I don't want to pay for X person because they brought it on themselves" is only listing the extremes. Besides, a lot of these people get care anyway by using the emergency rooms and the hospital has to pay for them, seriously hurting the hospital.
Most people who would be helped by universal health care are hard working americans who can not afford insurance or is denied insurance period.
Maybepeople who make less money and are uninsuredshould be taxed more. That way, hospitals can be reimbursed when they have to give medical treatment to somebody who can't afford to pay for it. People with a lot of money can pay for their medical care, so I don't see a reason to penalize them for it.
we should just not tax and allow competition
We need some taxes, but not for things like welfare, social security, universal healthcare, income, property, and the like. What we should do is destroy the IRS and just have a flat percentage and a sales tax. Then we should put restrictions in place on the government, instead of the government putting them on us, to insure that our money is not wasted or used inefficiently.
I like your line of thinking though.
Everyone here saying "I don't want to pay for X person because they brought it on themselves" is only listing the extremes. Besides, a lot of these people get care anyway by using the emergency rooms and the hospital has to pay for them, seriously hurting the hospital.
Most people who would be helped by universal health care are hard working americans who can not afford insurance or is denied insurance period.
Maybe people who make less money and are uninsured should be taxed more. That way, hospitals can be reimbursed when they have to give medical treatment to somebody who can't afford to pay for it. People with a lot of money can pay for their medical care, so I don't see a reason to penalize them for it.
you dont understand economics.... Government automatically creates innefficiencies. We dont need to pay taxes for universal health care because it WILL DESTROY THE AMERICAN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM.
How many hours/ week do doctors work now? 70ish for many.
How many will they work? 40. They will have lower reqs to get into med school. They will have worse doctors.
They will have waiting lists because doctors will do a set number of procedures/year.
you my friend are wrong.
Also if you are over 65 you will not be able to get a transplant, ever again. Thats fair, pay taxes for 45 years and get fisted by the government kuz lazy Undeducated burger flippers didnt want to try to goto college( which is very affordable, and anyone who tries can go on student loans/ grants)
ive got more reasons my fingers are gettin tired.
Edit: Im glad the poster is about 14 years old.
Not to mention, people who want private medical care that is high quality will still be taxed for the universal system, and private doctors will be taxed into hell also. So all it's really going to do is make good healthcare more expensive.
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]The fight is over land...not religion. LJS9502_basic
A lot of fighting in the Middle East is about land as well. Doesn't stop the PIRA from begin Christian terrorists.
In the Middle East many countries want to erase those of the Jewish faith. That qualifies as religion dude.
It also qualifies as religion when they bomb trains, buildings, and airplanes in the name of Allah, and when they start civil wars in the name of creating a "true Islamic state." The Irish Resistance is motivated by politics and regional or land issues as LJ already said. They are notdoing things in the name of Jesus Christ, or in any way trying to justify their actions with Christianity.
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