I hate it when people say that video games are damaging kids these days. Don't buy the higher rated game for you 10 year old son!
Paramore289's forum posts
Can I just ask on how many people think that age restrictions on games are just getting ignored?
I personally think that parents are just ignoring the age restrictions that are set on games and still buying games that are like rated 15/18 and buying them for their 10 year old kids.
I know that I have asked my parents for games in the past that I should not of gotten but now that I've gotten older I have come to realise what a problem this is becoming.
Right now .... BLACK OPS!
It's killer that I know it's gunna be epic getting it at midnight and then going home and playing it D:
ive seen a few people saying gta4 but why!? i'd rank that as one of the games i glady paid for this yearChaoticTrunksI've played through that four times since it came out?!
After having a recent discussion with a friend, I was actually wondering on how many of us trade in our games.
With the valid point of "whats the point of keeping a game if you never play it no more" and also "the developers won't get the money if someone buys it second hand, it only goes to the retailer that they're buying it from" I can not come to a conclusion on whether trading in is good or bad.
So in this post, I want you lot to say whether you think its good or bad (or both) and why you think that.
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