you're not missing out much if you don't like these type of games.i played mgs3 because of the popularity and after playing halfway through i didn't enjoy one bit of it.
oh you naughty little troll,you!nintendo is in the lead now(in a way,based on sales,at least).what makes u think they'll just quit?
you could get an r4ds or a m3 simply.they use micro sd cards.the r4 and the m3 simply do more than just play music..(these are mod chips)
he's overeacting over one little game.pretty childish outburst coming from a guy who makes "mature" games
some of you keep saying animals are slaughtered everyday to be eaten and whatnot.that's true,but what sony did here was completely unnecessary.i mean,a dead goat for display just for the sake of entertainment?
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