@twisted_sith @repetitious I think we can universally agree that troll videos getting taken down isn't a loss for anyone and therefore isn't important.
I see no reason to buy Titanfall for anything other than PC. It's an FPS game, therefore is better on PC than on consoles. I'll be buying an Xbox One in 2015/2016 when it starts getting exclusives that are worth it.
The simple fact that the entire game operates on a giant timer is enough to make me never want to play it. I play RPGs slow and all the way through and I can't think of anything worse than a ticking time bomb. I also absolutely hated Hope from the original XIII and so listening to him prattle on and on would probably be more than I could bear. It's beginning to look like Square Enix needs to focus on combat and visuals and let another company take over the actual gameplay.
I played and beat this game yesterday in just 3 hours. Now I realize that it is only part 1, but it still felt extremely short. I love point and click adventure games, which is why I backed Tim on this one, but it felt a bit hollow. Sure the writing was great and the characters were engaging, but they forgot about what made all of the early games so much fun: collecting and combining items. You really only carry a few items at a time and they all have just one purpose pretty much. The Monkey Island games are my favorite games of all time and in those, you would have up to a dozen items at once and you would reuse items throughout the game many times, and in completely different ways. Also, the story felt altogether too linear. Adventure games are about being able to go back to places in a Zelda-like fashion and open new things and do things with new items you couldn't before. None of that is present in Broken Age. I'm a huge fan of everything Tim has done along with LucasArts (when it was around) and DoubleFine, but I don't know, it didn't feel like the throwback to the point and click adventure game it was meant to be. It's too cinematic and almost TOO story driven, to the point of taking away gameplay and exploration. Granted, I did love some of the references to other adventure games, especially the nod to Murray the talking skull from Monkey Island with the sentient butter knife that wants to take over the universe and it was an enjoyable experience over, it just didn't feel right at the end.
The only way that physical copies of games will ever fade is through a service like Playstation Now where the gamer is paying for a rental service overall, rather than just a individual digital game. The problem that Microsoft ran into with trying to transfer to selling just digital copies of games is that it is unreliable and there would always be the worry that something would get screwed up or lost in cyberspace. That and when actually BUYING something, people want to be able to have the option to keep it forever, which is not something that would work with buying digital copies. A rental service would be completely different though because the user would go in knowing that they don't own any of the games, they are just renting the service to play them. Nobody gets too pissed off when one of their favorite movies is no longer streaming on Netflix, because its the price they pay for getting access to so much content at once. Games are like movies though in that there are certain ones people want to own hard copies of forever and so no matter what, hard copies will always have to exist to some extent. However, games are NOT like movies in that people don't generally pop in a really old game just to play it and experience it from time to time. I realize that sure, some people do of course, but the majority of gamers aren't really interested in reliving the glory days playing Quake or Mario Kart all of the time. Games are all about new content and the NEXT one in a series. I may love the Assassin's Creed series, but I am way more likely to spend $60 on the new one than pay $15 to buy the first one.
Been playing this game for about 20 hours now and I absolutely hate this game in every way imaginable. I just got off a 4 game where I went 46/120. Basically the game consists of being spawn raped and sniper trolled for hours on end. If you thought sniper bitches were a problem in other games, welcome to Planetside 2 where that's basically how you will die for hours on end. Oh and don't forget about the aircraft that, as an infantry, there is literally nothing you can do to stop from killing you. Over. and over. You will feel like a meaningless piece of cannon fodder that accomplishes nothing except presenting a target for enemies to shoot at. If you run across the map, you are sniped. If you drive across the map, an aircraft effs you over. If you stay and camp, you will get killed from behind. They went so big with this game that there's nothing to do but catch stray bullets and cuss the screen. Basically if you don't make this game your life and have like a regular squad and shit, you will never succeed at anything and you will hate your life. This is the EVE Online of shooters.
Patohua1's comments