PatrickBateman6's forum posts
Thanks man ill def. be checking these games out and buy a few that interest me. I dont think you understood my point. I'm looking for good games, but mostly games made this gen that have the same immersion as the great old games that you mentioned. No going to lie i love old games and have played grim fandango and conker. But i really want games like these made in todays gen of games so i can use my graphics card. But dont get my wrong, i will also be looking into the games you mentioned. Thanks.Braid
To the moon
Company of Heroes
Castle Crashers
These are probably the most enjoyable games i've played in the last decade.
But seeing as you'd like to use your new graphics card to some use, which is kinda the opposite of wanting to play a good game try
rage, witcher 2, mass effect 2, anno2027
If you want some awesome old games you're going to need a console
Conquers bad fur day(n64), Hercules great adventures (ps1), grim fandango (old windows, maybe win 7 compatable version out there)
Another good stack to sift through are the desperado games, Commandoes, chiago 1930, jagged alliance, fallout 2.
3d isometic view, realtime stratedgy. better gameplay concepts then any new game to date, what i consider poor/outdated controls.
I figure you're gonna get spammed with mainstream stuff so im trying to give you variety.
Well that whole dimension is everything. Developing a game in 3-D would take more programmers, artists etc and would take much longer to make. A small development team could have made Rayman: Origins in a short time span. This is just my judgement from the demo, for all i know the full game could be totally worth the $60. But as of right now I don't think the amount of work put into the game is worth the price point of $60, it should have been $40 right off the bat.How the hell is Rayman Origins not worth full price? What does a game have to do to be considered worthy of full price? Lets take a look at Rayman Origins. Outstanding gameplay? Check. Perfect level design? Check. Perfect difficulty curve? Check. At the absolute top quality of its genre? Check. Great amount of content? Check. Three dimensions? Nope. Ok never mind guys. I see where I've got it all wrong now. It's missing a whole dimension, therefore it doesn't deserve the price point that other games on the market with lower quality do. I sincerely apologise for being so ignorant.
You sir are a smart man. This is exactly what i believe is happening also, and it will be much more apparent when next gen comes around. I guess everyone will just revert back to PC gaming then.I think MS is/will go casual from now on.
I think they would LIKE to keep both audiences, but instead of having a knock-down fight with Sony over "core" gamers who are actually a very small portion of the potential customers, instead they will say "Ok we'll go left, Sony you go right" and each take a different piece of the customer base.
Fighting over a small customer base (hardcore gamers) is not profitable.
Companies are not boneheaded fanboys like people are.
Companies do what is rational.
Cutting each others throats is not good for business.
Each of the 3 console companies are trying to stay out of each others way and grab a different piece of the audience, so they can all maximize their profits.
They are not gonna sit there and fight over 3-5 million hardcore gamers, spending billions on ads and IP's, when they can just market Kinect games and make easy profits.
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