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As a few of my friends already know, I was a part of the Forza 2 tourney here and was looking forward to having a fun time while trying my best to go as far as I could in it. Also as some of you also know by now I'm no longer in it... And excuse the long read that's about to follow >__>

Rewind back to last Wednesday (the 20th).

I did my checking in, waiting in the chatroom and everything. Then it was time for the match to get going. The race started up 6 cars were there on the track, including the one GS admin account which actually leaves the race when it starts. So the race starts and everything is going fine, I'm trading off between 2nd and 3rd at the time, but off of turn 4 on the 1st lap I find 1st place spinning out right in front of me...and yep, you guess it, I hit him >__> About now I'm thinking that it's over and just focus on finishing the thing and being done with it. To my surprise though another person behind be got in the tangle as well, so by the time I recovered and was on the move again I was in 3rd. There was no way I'd be catching up with the car fairly banged up so I just focused on keeping my spot since that would guarantee an advancement into the 2nd elimination round...and oh how wrong I'd be with that! Anyway I finish the race and I kept 3rd spot (out of 5), by a mile...pretty much literally :? and I was so freaking happy at that point. So not thinking of needing to do anything else, got back to the lobby, told the result would be up in a few minutes and the crowds leaves.

So few minutes later I go and check to see the winners of the match I was in....and to my utter dismay, someone else was shown as finishing in 3rd :| So almost instantly I shot off an e-mail questioning this, and got a reply back saying if I had confirmed in voice chat about my finishing spot...something I apparently neglected, but I don't even recall anyone saying about their finishing positions after the race in the manner of which I was supposed to. So I replied back with that. Got another reply asking if I had any proof, through means of pictures, videos, etc. Fortunately enough I had saved the replay of the race...which, at the time, I did only for the hell of it. So then I then sent another e-mail back saying I'd provide the pics tomorrow since it was almost about time for me to sign off for the night and I wouldn't have had time to get it done. So Thursday I took the for each person on the starting grid in their respective positions, and then 3 showing the top 3 as they each crossed the finish line, with myself being 3rd. Then zipped them up and sent them off thinking I'd have some sort of resolve by Monday....

Thursday goes by, and so does nothing back regarding it. Waited the weekend as well, but didn't expect to hear anything anyways. And by 1 yesterday I really began to wonder if anything was going to be done about it so I shot another e-mail off asking if there was any resolve regarding my dispute. The whole day went by and I got absolutely nothing, NOTHING at all back. So after the evening is over with it pretty much became evident....I got screwed over and out....

I understand though that doing this whole tournament can be extremely busy and you might not have time to deal with all the e-mails, but when it comes to something like a dispute over the results, backed with photographic evidence you CANNOT simply ignore it.

I expect nothing to be done now about this, I just felt like venting since it's pretty clear now that I'm out. One thing's for sure though, the next time there's a tournament here I can participate in, I'll be thinking long and hard as to whether or not to even bother about it....

Utter Insanity

Every once in awhile my town has these "Trash Days" so that everyone who has big stuff like stereos, old TVs that might now work anymore, huge boxes, etc...pretty much big-sized anything you can't put out for the regular garbage. And when people do put their stuff out, there's always people going around looking for stuff they might make use of because even though something might be out, doesn't mean it's busted. Which brings me to the insanity part:

Some neighbors put out a bunch of stuff this afternoon and of course a couple people had already looked through some of it. And my parents couldn't help but take a look as well because they've been good for throwing out perfect working stuff in the past >__> And lo and behold, my mom found a SNES with like 10 games or so :o I was in such shock that I took it in the house, hooked it up, put one of the games in and fired it up. And it worked ^__^ So yeah at this point I was really surprised. Then like 10 mins later, another game system, and this Atari 2600 :shock: And guess what? It worked :lol: So yes, 2 perfectly working old-school systems were about to meet an early demise :| Now the 2600 isn't the older wood panel kind, it's the 2600 Jr. version, but still...that's just incredible.

So now I gotta work on adding all these games to my collection and with like 30 2600 games, this should be fun :?

Gone Elite

I've finally plunged into the next...well now current...gen. Yesterday I bought myself a 360 Elite ^__^ I was originally planning on getting just the regular 360, but I got this feeling that having the bigger hard drive will come in handy sooner or later. Oh and black is so lovely :P

Also got me these games to go along with it:

And I got me a year's worth plus 1 month of XBL Gold earlier today so I'm all set :D

*goes back to playing* :P

Merry Christmas!

Just thought I'd wish all of my friends and their families a Merry Christmas!

Hope you all have a fun and safe day today:) And enjoy spending time with all of your families.:)

Winter Break, Final Grades, Etc., Etc.

Ok so I'm just a little late with this seeing I've been out since the 15th.:?

But yeah, finals are over, thank goodness! And now I'm on break till Jan. 8, 3 whole weeks off.  I'm gonna enjoy every moment of it too.:P

Also got my final grades for the semester yesterday...and pretty much as it was at midterm...except the letters got shuffled around for the most part. So here we go:

Calculus 1 - A
Digital Logic - A
Engineering Problem Solving 1 - B-
General Physics 1 - C
Introduction-World Religions - B
Orientation to Engineering - A

The last 2 tests in Physics sucked so bad:evil: The final saved my ass I think. And, as I was hoping, I brought my Digital Logic grade up. Just hope next semester is better...this is what I have to deal with when Jan. 8 comes:

Calculus 2
Engineering Problem Solving 2
General Physics 2
English Composition and Rhetoric
Principles of Microeconomics

And all the means I'm heading into more unfamiliar territory than I was last semester. I'm sure though that I'll do just fine...just have to be careful and not slack off too much after midterm.

And today's the first day of winter and what do I got? Rain....:x Some Christmas this will be, no snow. We have a 30% chance of RAIN on Christmas day.:|

Hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll be here Monday morning with my Christmas wishes.:)

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Just wishing all my friends here a nice Happy Thanksgiving!

Dinner here isn't going to be too extravagant, just going to be my parents and me...oh and the cats, they love turkey, better guard my plate or else it'll get run over.:|:lol:

Have a good Turkey Day everyone, and a safe one too:)

I'm Still Around

I know it’s been some time since I’ve last made an entry, but there hasn’t been much to talk about since my last entry to even bother making one, until now. So what’s been going on with me? Well college is doing fairly good for me right now, it’s already midterm and I have my grades now for that. And here they are: Calculus 1 – A Digital Logic – C+ Engineering Problem Solving 1 – B General Physics – A Introduction-World Religions – A Orientation to Engineering – A So most of my grades I have there I’m really happy with right now. The only one bugging me at the moment, as you can probably tell, is Digital Logic. The only reason for that is because tests are the only thing that counts towards the grade in there and I got a C on the only test I’ve had in there so far. But I’m sure I can pull that up to a B. Also I finally will be looking into a few job opportunities here this month. One is a part time job at a local pizza place here in town, which I’ll be turning in my application to that tomorrow probably. I also may apply to a local Martin’s grocery store, and maybe even the Movie Gallery that’s nearby it. Wish me luck! And in the gaming world, I’ve made a couple accomplishments that I didn’t think I would ever achieve. For one, I’ve gotten all gold on all 80 license tests in Gran Turismo 4 last week. If it was this time last year, I would’ve thought that to be almost impossible for me, and yet now I have achieved that. Also, I’ve gotten all gold on all 40 license tests in Tourist Trophy, which was a, IMO rushed, motorcycle racing game based off of GT4. In the, hopefully, near future, I plan on going back to the first three GTs and try to see if I can improve my status on the license tests in those games. Well that’s about all that’s going on here right now. Just letting you all know I’m still around and about as always, just lacking on journal entries.:? See you all on the boards.

The First Week

So I've gotten through my first week of college without any serious problems. But it's been a wacky week though. First, on Monday, my Calculus professor never showed up.:| Then my Physics professor was like 15 minutes late showing up. Then I got out of my Engineering class like 40 minutes early.:? Tuesday went by without anything like that. Found out of Wednesday that my Calculus teacher thought he had the class on Tuesday instead of Monday...:| Other than that...uneventful again. The big thing on Thursday was that my evening class, which runs from 6:00-8:40, got canceled for this week. And today there was no Calculus...again, but this time we were told about it, since the professor announced it back on Wednesday, so I only had to endure an hour and 40 minutes of Physics. So all and all it wasn't too bad this week. Also have already ran into some familiar faces from high school, so I don't feel like a total stranger there.:P But I'm looking forward to making new friends there as well.:) Now all I can so is see what next week has in store for me.

All Good Things Come To An End...

...but only for awhile.

Well summer is almost over for me. I start college on Monday....yay...-_-. Ah, I'm sure it won't be too bad.

Sorry for making such a short entry, but I just can't think of much to say. Just wanted to give a little update on things here.

I'll see you all around. Have a good one.