@Zorlac: XL versions only. They have the regular sized *New* 3DS but they only sold them once in North America, and that was last Black Friday only. You can search for them, they were $100 that day, now resellers are putting them up for like $250
And rather, why do they only sell XL versions in the states?
SMK is my favorite Mario kart idc what anyone wants to say but it's a horrible pack in game for 200 bucks. Gotta come better than that. Also still no AC adapter included
@cjtopspin: oh and just remembering the other reason I'd rather get this.. I tried a friends hacked Wii for emulation and he claimed to me it was great for emulation, but when I loaded up SMW it was unplayable with all the input lag. I would assume they can't sell that for $80 lol
@cjtopspin: lol I'm not sure to be honest. But I remember being in a discussion and they said these bigger tv's are gonna handle the games differently than our CRTs did and there may be more input lag. I really don't know since I haven't tested myself tho
@cjtopspin: I still have my original. I'd get this because it is actually made for modern televisions and not CRT's, at least that's what I'm assuming. I have misplaced a few of those cartridges as well, so more games.
Honestly tho, I'd really rather have all this on a handheld than my tv screen, but I'm not paying 150 for a DS. I could also use my cell phone but I'd really rather not be reaching for my PS4 controller every time either.
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