You just said the thing that I hate the most about the combat system. It feels like God of War... I hate the god of war fighting system compared to the previous DMC games. If you're a real hardcore gamer you should enjoy the dificulties that the previous fighting system offered in terms of learning curve, but if you have the ability to play... you would kick ass...
God of war you can kick ass too... but it doesn't have the same feeling
I'm not going to buy this game even getting a good score. But you need to understand that some hardcore gamers liked the DMC series not only because of Dante's carisma, but the gameplay was awesome. Playing the demo is like downgrading the two core aspects that made dmc so cool.
1 - a non swearing Dante (and with a cooler look)
2 - A fluid fighting system that you don't see in other games (God of war and Ninja Gaiden don't get near the DMC3 fighting system experience)
DMC now has a fighting system similar to god of war. Like I've said, they've downgraded the two most essential things that DMC had to offer... it was not history that matters, but the gameplay and the character.
Is like Capcom now tried to make a Megaman game with a great history... who cares? we just want to go through the levels and fight a boss using your abilities.
Another thing, Assassin's creed 1 got a good score but it was a terrible game to play (the others assassin where pretty good games)
When the new Dante as an argument with a 2 thousands year old demon is "F#ck you" and the demon's response is "F#ck you" I don't think that you know how the old Dante was.
(I've only played the demo, but I don't need to play the whole game to know that old Dante's non cursing arguments are long gone)
I only played the demo, but older Dante was way more cool without the need of cursing (when an argument with a 2 thousand year demon is "f#ck you" and the demon's response is "f#ck you" I think those guys never saw the real Dante arguments to kill a demon)
And the fighting system doesn't live up to the expectations. Maybe the history is better than the older ones, but why change the CORE of the FUN of the devil may cry series?
The fun was long lost... Hope they go back and make a devil may cry 5.
@krazken No it didn't, the traces are always the same, an pointy eared guy, with young looks, same style of hair, same style of clothing, and same style of weapons... just don't get it... if they transformed link in a blonde guy without the ears and a change to his face it wouldn't be link
in every zelda game you see the character and tell who is link... if you put this one besides original dante no one would say they re the same... the traces doesn't resemble dante at all
Would you buy the game just because the history is similar, and the gameplay is the same and the name is the same?? I don't think so... Chinese people does this a lot and you just buy chinese c*** because it's cheaper... Stick with the original and don't buy those piracy c***
What about a Diferent setup for the history of megaman?
what about a red haired Ken and an European Stylish Ryu?
What about a solid snake with an african american style?
What about instead of a man, they created a Girl Link?
What about Teenagers mutant elephant ninjas!?
They're messing up with an Icon of the videogame history
Would you buy the game just because the history is similar, and the gameplay is the same and the name is the same?? I don't think so... Chinese people does this a lot and you just buy chinese c*** because it's cheaper... Stick with the original and don't buy those piracy c***
Pedro_Fayad's comments