This may seem like an obvious question what? TC's friend:Hey I saw you have some Farcry 2 trophies, we should play it sometime TC:sorry I dont have it anymore TC's friend:YOU LIED TO ME, IM NEVER SPEAKING TO YOU AGAIN
leave competitve online play for people who know how to do it well, KZ2, CoD4+5, Battlefield
if this game has online I wont play it
theres no point investing hours in a tacked on multiplayer that doesnt fit in with the genre or story at all, KZ2 (ISA vs. Helghast) CoD (USA vs. everybody else), Uncharted (Nathan drake vs. a bunch of mercs) a bunch of nathan drakes vs. a bunch of mercs? anything else would make just as little sense as that would
Co-op is a different story, Co-op in this game would be very fun
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