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Ahh now I've registered there is a chance that 99.99% of you will think I'm a Pepsi obsesed, Nintendo lover... that may be true but 66.6% of you may dislike my style, in other words if you like sony or microsoft. Anyway my likes in gaming are anything as long as they are well made from shooters to RPG's. My favourite game series is Pokemon, yes pokemon and least by far is Rachet and Clank... I wonder if anyone likes that game.

Right now I am just getting used to being able to do nothing, damn, but once I hit level 3 or better still 6, I wish, I'll be OK. But my reviews will go along the lines of F-Zero, Zelda, Mario, Pokemon(especially), Smash Bros and more are awesome so yeh, I'm a stuborn thingy ma bob who likes Pepsi and has no social life... nice!