So 700,000 people are running around an empty world with zombies that can walk through walls? What the **** happened to PC gaming.
The irony is strong in this thread. Claiming Crysis looks better than Killzone: Shadow Fall is the equivalent to claiming Killzone 2 looks better than Crysis.
Metal Gear SolidMetal Gear Solid 2Metal Gear Solid 3Metal Gear Solid 4Metal Gear Solid PeacewalkerIs Metal Gears Of Solids a bad stealth series?No.
@Rage010101 said: Of course PC would get an exclusive as GOTY, while the consoles got multiplats as their GOTY's. lmfao TPHBFOWhy would Grand Theft Auto 5 be PCs GOTY when it isn't even on PC? lmfao
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