0_o holy crap i didnt know of this my favorite pokemon games are coming back out im so getting both well most likely they wont be out till like clear into next year or even longer sadly enough if where lucky and Japanese are nice they'd get it to us by sometime in march next year
1. How old are you pokemon players - im 18 2. Where do u live?(don't thinkpokemon is as popular over here inthe uk) - i live in the Seattle area in Washington 3. Should i get pokemon platinum or wait for gold and silver? yes get platinum its actually alot better than pearl or diamond and as far as the gold and silver thing goes i highly DOUBT that that's gonna happen that "shiny gold" and stuff are just roms people made from the ruby and sapphire games unless you see words coming out of the creators mouth saying there will be a remake of them then don't expect it to happen
basically all the ones that have been named so far to be honest there are almost no kids games for that young of age id give the kid a pokemon game personally cause halo , shooting games, gory games thats all there is now and days you cant find a game that doesn't involve killing
if they where gonna make a dk game itd have to be on the WII because of it being Nintendo yes banjoo is on the 360 but it probably takes alot of time and rights to go through to get games on there espciialy if its from another company like Nintendo
top 10 games for anime fans for PS2 Fullmetal alchemist : broken angel Fullmetal alchemsit:curse of the crimson elixer dragonball z budokai 3 dragonball z budokai tenkaichi 3 persona 3 persona 4 kingdom hearts kingdom hearts 2 inuyasha: the secret of the cursed mask naruto ultimate ninja 3 not all in order there just all good anime games for the ps2
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