World of Warcraft
Pesci1's forum posts
A 7 day Jamaica vacation.. I drank myself retarded. Now back to the grind.
You're kidding yourself... graphics still have a long way to go. I'm not convinced until I can play something that looks like this at 60 FPS, in 3D:
Crysis looks like an N64 game in comparison to cutting edge CGI today...
Everybody... Just blog it!Giancar
Guess what guys???
I blogged it
You really expect this to help?bleehum
I expect them... to die.
In before somebody tells me to blog it
lame... wasn't quick enough
Seriously... half of the threads in system wars can be classified as "blog" material. Who really cares anyway?
MS should stick to software - blog it
PS3 netflix is lame - blog it
Oprah loves to swat red balls -blog it
Wii is not teh hardcore - blog it
Activision CEO is ruining gaming - blog it
I mean.. really? It doesn't make you sound cool to tell somebody to blog their opinion. That's all this forum is anyway (minus the small percentage of actual facts).
XBOX has halo... big shocker there. The saving grace of xbox IMO...
On a related note, I probably like the 360 controller slighty more than the PS controller.
I'm pretty sure that this is one of the best looking console games ever, if not the very best.
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