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Petercairns Blog

My Vote may have to go to Rock Band 2..?

I cant believe im saying this but i think that Rock Band 2 is probs the best music game out there! Its funny i love Guitar Hero and all that it has to offer but, theres so many great things that just make Rock Band 2that bit better.

First thing that comes to mind is all the DLC there is, and theres not crap...theres good stuff that people would know and love to play. Theres all so the fact that the people that are playing on the screen all look like there in sink with the music. Also the setlist to start you of is very good, i mean you when you end up playing though the set list there are 84 songs. And the multi-player option is fun like always!

The one big prob for everyone one in Oz is that its not out you say "How do i get my hands on this one"? Well the best way to do so is to go or get a eBay account and buy yourself a PAL copy of the game. I got my one for about 65, and the DLCworks100%all good with it!

Make sure its PAL but, because if it is not, it will not play.

Game of the Year..? What do you think.?

It is getting to that point in the year where the game of the year is going to be happing. Look in my view this year has been great! I mean alot of people think this year may have not been as good as last year but, i dont know. Look GTA 4, MGS 4 there to big titles, but there has been alot really good games this year.

Ok lets start for the start


Came out Mar 12, gamespot gave it a 8.5

This game had a good amount of hype be hide it, and i think it did really well(in the game). I had alot of funn with it, story was great. I mean it had its moments, but all games do.

Killzone2 Box Art.jpg

Came out 26 Feb, gamespot gave it a 9

Look i never liked the 1st one, and i didnt really care to much for this one. But i think its safe to say that all the PS3 fan boys couldnt stop talking about it. Look i gave it a go, i had to. And man the graphics, there the 1st thing you see but the game play is really good. And the multiplayer is the main thing in this game that really made love this one.


Came out Mar 19, Gamespot gave this one 9.6 for the DS and a 9.5 for the PsP

This game takes a look back at the old ****GTA with the birds eye view. Also they have that hole cell animation look to the game. Which is a good thing, i mean i think the GTA games need something new. And thats what this game is. Plus on the DS you have some really kool mini games with the touch screen.

Look for the 2nd half of the year i think has been great. There has been so many games for Borderlands to Halo ODST. But theres only 3 other games that i can think of as game of the year titles.

Uncharted 2 updated PS3 logo.jpg

This game came out 15 Oct, Gamespot gave this one a 9.5

This was the last PS3 game i played, and man did i play it. Me and my friend needed a game for the night so Uncharted 2 it was. I didnt get of the ps3 for a good i don t know...5 hours. This game is great, graphics look sooo nice and the cut scenes are great. The game play is really easy and fun to get use to, and the shoting side of things is really fun and easy.


This one came out Oct 23, and gamespot gave it 9.5

With no GT5 this is the car sim for ever one. This is easy, hands down the best car game of the year. And not having GT5 there with it makes this one look even better. The graphics of this is great, and the other good thing about this is that even if your not good what so ever at this one you can just pick it up and play. Also for the Oz fans of the game the V8 super cars are in there to. This =great funn!

Arkham Asylum.jpg

This one came out Sep 3,(for 360 and PS3, PC Sep 24), gamespot gave it 9

This one for me is the pick, the Game of the Year, and so far the best game. Theres not to much in this game that i dont like. Graphics look great and you can really tell they did there best with the fine things. When going though the game you have many battles , and when your going though them your outfit takes damage and it sicks. The fighting is great, really easy to get use to, and fun getting big combos. The story is also great, theres some really great boss battles and some great re-designed villeins. So for this one, this is my pick!

Im most def Forza this won!!

Well you have Forza 1 and 2, which i didnt like(for what ever reason) i just didnt. And then im like, "Well 9.5, Maybe this is somthing i should look at". So i did, and man do i love this game. I mean its a car sim,but its so much more then that. And the thing about this game is that the little things add up!

First thing i see is the sweet looking graphics of the cars, then i see that not just me but all the cars looked really good. Theres also the many new things that i havnt seen in a car racing game. Things like the play back feature and the auto slow down in to the crowner feature to.

On a hole i think its just plan fun playing this game. And would problem have to say the best car racing game of the year so far.

I get why Manhunt was banned...

Look, up to about a week ago i had never played the 1st Manhunt game. I had played the 2nd one and that got banned to, but the 2nd one wasn't that bad. So i always would think to myself wtf is the 1st one like. And i got lucky and got my hands on one(go me) and well, i can see why it got banned. Look its not really bad, but its prob one of the most graphic games i have come across.

Ok i havn't got to far in it yet, but from what i can see it can only get more graphic. I mean the 1st kill in the game you have to put a plastic bag over there head to kill them(AAHHH ON AIR). Then my 2nd kill is, smash window, pick up glass shard and stab them in the neck. And then after getting the baseball bat i was able to smash there head in and make it POP!

This is only the start of the game, i mean from looking in the booklet in the game you can see that there are many more weapons to kill people with. I mean for one you have a chainsaw.!! Which will mean alot of BLOOD!!

Guitar Hero vs Rockband

Well for me its not to hard to pick between them, its prob going to be Guitar Hero out of the two. Don't get me wrong, they both have there strong points. I mean for one, Rockband made the band set up on the consoles happen. And yes i know someone may of had the idea before them but, they made it famous. And then Guitar Hero world tour has a go at the hole band thing and brings out not a bad game but not as good as Rockband. Then came many games in between the GHWT and Rockband 2. But then Guitar Hero 5 comes out and says "hey guys, im just going to be the best game out of all of you guys ,ok"!

And it was, but its hard to fully say if it is the best that is out right now..? This because DAM ROCKBAND 2 HASN'T COME OUT IN OZZZ!!! Look, all im saying is come on EA, just give it to as, we can take it! :)

Saw the video game..??

Today i was unpacking a US order we got in at work, and OMG Saw the video game....would you believe it!! I mean, it came out in the US on the 6th of this month, but its funny because there is no date for Aus yet i don't think..??

It was only on the PS3 we got one for, but still i find it funny that 1 we got it already and 2 Saw the video game...LoL. But there will be some one who will buy it! Anyway i should get back to work! :)

Need for speed Shift vs Dirt 2

Had a go at both of them today at work(on the x360), and they both are really great games. But in saying that, there both good games in there own rites. I mean there not the same type of car game to start with, and made by different company's. You have EA on one hand and code masters on the the other. I also catched the steering wheel on both to.( Microsoft barnard).

NFS Shift:

The game is more based around the sim racing ****of things. It does have that GT feel about it, which did make me like that little bit more. But in saying that it hasn't tried to copy GT in anyway. And playing on your standard X-360 controller was fine. But when i put in the the wheel, well, that made it a hole lot of fun. I think its good, and problem better with the wheel souly because it has that ****c arcade feel to it.

Dirt 2:

This game like the past game in the series is more off road, drift sort of game play. Which is always fun to play, plus the damage on the cars is great. Which always adds to a car racing game, well i would think. Playing this on the standard controller was really fun, and you could get rite in to it. But the wheel...well lets just say didnt finish the races as fast as i would have liked. But that could be just me being not very good.

Look on a hole i think if you buy NFS or Dirt 2, you will be happy to play both.!!!

ODST all done...but it was funn!!

Yes i played from 7 till 1 in the morning and finished the game....yea i know, i do have a life. It just had to stop for playing ODST!! Look the game wasn't the longest but it was a fun burst of game. And im happy to see that the Halo series can have a good game with out the Master Chief! I mean the Rookie who is the main person you play with in the game is very much like the chief.

But on a hole the seires really needed something like this to re-fresh the series! Which i think they needed to do, and maybe give the chief a rest. Not that i dont love him, its just that if he's not there people will start to want him again!

But i think so far (for me) Guitar Hero 5 has been my fav game for this month. Also Dissidia was very fun as well, but GH5 just had something about it :)! But there's still CoDMW2 and Tekken 6 to come!! :) :) :)

Guitar Hero 5: Best setlist yet+maybe even the best game!!!

I have every Guitar Hero there is! I started on the Ps2, then when i got my X-360 i started to buy them for that! I have 3 Guitars, 2 Mic's, 1 Drum set. So all I needed was Guitar Hero 5! And when i walked in to work at about 9:30, it was there! But i had to hold of untell i got home(which i did). But as some as i got home BAM XBOX ON GUITAR HERO IN!!

And the fun started, i think for this guitar hero they need to do somthing diffrent, and they did. The setlist was great, but there was a foe songs i really wanted to play. But i told myself NO i have to play career! Which i am right now, and so far my fav song has been Plug in Baby by the Muse.(GREAT FUN) Anyway better get back to it.. ;)

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