Yeah this guy probably never even played the demo and this reviewer played hundreds of hours through the very lenghty career mode and is not biased in a way that he hates some exclusives simply because he can't play it on his console, of course we trust his oppinion.
Actually, this guy indeed owns a 360 and even FORZA 2! What a shock!
But whatever, continue relying on your sponsored gaming sites and act like reviews for big games aren't controlled by companies who can AFFORD TO BUY THOSE REVIEWS.
And yea, I can sit either side of the fence. Demon's Souls gets consistent 9's - more paid reviews.
If I dont like a game, and it reviews well - someone has obviously paid for it. Why? Cos i played more games than anyone else ever and am the best judge of a great game in the world. Unlike IGN, I don't get paid for my opinions, I offer 'em free.
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