Hello party people, welcome to my blog. In this edition, I'll be talking about the PS2 hit, Kingdom Hearts. This game beautifully mixes Disney and Final Fantasy elements, to make a beautifully unique RPG experience. If you dont know the story, check Gamespot's section on the game for everything you need to know. The graphics are good, and the gameplay is simple. The voice acting, and disney character cameos are what makes this game great. Best voice actor; James Woods for Hades, and for Worst Voice Actor; Lance Bass (the gay guy from *NSYNC) as SEPHIROTH! Other bad things are the camera, its infuriating sometimes, and the auto lock on function sometimes can get annoying. In the end if you like a good RPG with; a superb story, simble but fun gameplay, and is chauk full of Disney and Final Fantasy characters, then go buy this game. Also, dont forget the recently released sequels, Chain of Memories (GBA), and Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2). I give this game a 9.7/10. Until next time, be kind to your Wii, and your Wii will be good to you.
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