If you could Change the Developers of a certain game who, and why would you pick ?
For example, I would have Naughty Dog do an Arkham game (not that Rocksteady isn't doing an amazing job) I think their twist on it would be really cool. So what would u do?
Hi I kinda have a delima, I currently just bought GTA 5 for ps4 (I didn't play it last year I wanted to wait) I love the game its fun. But that Dragon age Game looks really cool and I have been in an RPG mood (which is only once every couple years or so) but idk if I should just wait for the Witcher. I've never played a DA game or witcher but ive read you don't have to for these. Basically I just want a good RPG do u think I should get dragon age or Witcher I'll prob only play one this year. Thanks
Destiny is the first and last console game I buy without a disc (when possible). I paid $90 and would give ANYTHING to be able to trade this fucking scam in for something else. Digital future be damned, at least on console. Destiny did it.
Oh man I feel the exact same way, I'm only going to download the "For Sure's" for me now.
When I first started the alpha, I thought it was a little over rated. but the more and more I played it the more I enjoyed. and now I love it I will buy it for sure day 1. What do you guys think about it?
@hrt_rulz01: ya that would be awesome. And also I hope that mass effect trilogy does make its way over to ps4. Espically because I haven't played any of the mass effect games. I would be so stoked
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