@cjtopspin: It's pretty easy. The animations aren't hard coded / pre-drawn. It's literally a file that holds a set of coordinates for the character model that it animates through... although that's like the super simplified version of what is really happening. So they change the animation and patch that file which isn't a large file.
I mostly enjoyed season 1 but just couldn't be bothered to watch season 2. Maybe I'll find time to binge watch it soon to see if it improved over the first.
@spartanx169x: Im a fan of TF1 but TF2 is better in every way over the first. It further separates itself from the COD franchise where as TF1 was much more similar. I prefer the battery method for shields on titans, because yes they do have shields, but now they can be depleted faster by pilots stealing batteries. Most of the other things you mentioned are trivial... switching to 3rd person view for an animation while docking into the titan? C'mon man, that doesn't cause any problems.
come on, a video game? is it a mystical video game? They changed this only to 'connect' with the younger generation or something... and it beams them away to the jungle, so it's basically nothing like the original, where the weirdness came to the normal world.
- spiderman is doing his thing after civil war - friend finds out - vulture does something and creates / gains access to metalic wings - tony comes to mentor spiderman - spiderman comes across vulture and fails to fight - tony asks for suit back because spiderman isn't doing great - spiderman continues to hunt vulture in his own custom homemade suit - proves he's worth to tony - tony gives him updated suit - spiderman fights vulture and wins - end credits roll
sprinkle that with some avengers references, and a few jokes at the expense of the fat friend, and there's your movie.
My guess, background preparation for their next update and probably the software patch for people who have "the software closed unexpectedly" errors. Maybe even a boost in bluetooth signal strength.
Phazevariance's comments