It's good to hear that they wish to release it this year, but I wouldn't mind a delay until 2011. What I mean is, I want Nintendo to work on that game until they think it is perfect. I don't want an early release when the game could have had work still done to it. Nintendo just needs to take their time with this.
Termina ( MM ) It would suck having to watch the moon slowly crash into your home, and then there is some crazy green tunic wearingfreak who keeps making it happen again and again.
I honestly can't wait for this game, but I'm still a bit skeptical. SEGA hasn't done their 'best' in recent Sonic games. No offense to games like Black Knight or Unleashed, they were pretty good, but not....amazing like everyone thought it would be.
So I'm praying SEGA doesn't screw this one up too.
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