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PhyllisGoodman's forum posts
What hes trying to say is...I'm a military man myself, so police standards may be different, but when we shoot a target, we are taught to shoot in one position and one position only. Center mass. Any shot not aimed at center mass is against training. If he had to second guess himself that center mass was "too lethal" for the target, then he shouldn't be shooting in the first place.
He had every right to shoot that girl in the chest, but you can tell he knew his force was excessive, and went for the thigh instead.
The "second guessing" is actually what most clues me into the belief that the force WAS excessive. If he actually HAD shot her right in the chest, then at least one could say that the danger was so immediate that he had no choice but to shoot a 12 year old girl. But the way I saw him carefully take aim at her leg? If he had the luxury of doing THAT, then I suspect that he wasn't at the level at which he needed to resort to the shotgun.
Similarly with that 10-year-old tasering that got discussed here a few days ago. A cop ASKED the mom if it was okay to taser the girl. She consented, the cop tasered the girl. People were DEFENDING the fact that the mom gave consent. But honestly, screw that. If the cop was in a position in which he actually had the luxury of ASKING for consent, then he had no business resorting to the taser.
If you NEED to use that level of force, then you DO IT. ACT, don't ask the suspect's mother if shooting is okay. If you need to shoot someone with a shotgun, and are JUSTIFIED in resorting to the shotgun, then that's contradictory with the act of carefully aiming a well-placed shot at the thigh. If you have to resort to the shotgun at all, then you aim at the chest, and consequences be damned. And if the threat is NOT so immediate that you have to aim at the chest, then you don't aim anywhere else either. These people are well-trained professionals, solve that conflict without using their guns.
As true as that may be, and while I don't condone that he shot her at all (he could have restrained her, two police officers, one girl? I don't care if she's a fully grown woman, she can be restrained by two grown men who're trained to restrain people) however, if a twelve year old has the attitude to attack a police officer/resist arrest, I'm pretty sure the officer wanted to at least assert some authority, it was wrong to do so, but this child did not respect the law at all, and she may well have needed that shock.
It's still wrong, she could've been restrained, but maybe now she'll think twice.
If he was aiming at her thigh, then he didn't need to shoot. It's as simple as that.
If you EVER need to shoot someone with ANYTHING, then you shoot center mass, right at the torso. THAT is what is going to be most likely to stop the target, and that is what is going to make it more likely that you HIT the target.
If he needed to hit the target, if he needed to stop the target, and if the use of that level of force was warranted, then he should have shot her in the torso.
Being hit with a beanbag gun hurts way worse than you might think. Hitting the person virtually anywhere is going to stop their activity because it hurts really really bad.
Have you seen "Jackass The Movie?" One of the stunts in that is for the guy to get shot in the stomach with a beanbag from a shotgun just like the girl in the story, however, that guy also had padding on in order to protect him and lessen the impact, and when he got shot, it still hurt horribly.
basically this getting shot with a beangun anywhere is going to hurt like hell
besides beanbags to the torso can be dangerous especially to a 12 year old
I think it's more being shot with beanbags that's dangerous, not so much the beanbags themselves. They're not much of a hazard.
MW2, because the multiplayer on it will be HUGE due to it's recent release. Play your single player MGS4 when the hype for MW2 is over.
Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest
Breath of Fire
Korean MMORPG's
I play FPS and RTS too, but RPG is my genre of choice, mostly PS1 and badly translated korean grinders. Although I had a stretch on World of Warcraft for a while, that's in the past now :P
edit: Can I have Vagrant Story too?
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